Chapter 7: The Hunt

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June 21, 2017 3:00 pm

We went out through the garage. We went to Hungry through the back door. There was no sign of them. We went in the lavatory and still didn't see them.

Ash: Let's split up. If your done, go to the back

The rest nodded and we went to difderent directions. I checked near the cashiers but found none. We went to the back again. They didn't find them.

Lillian: Aw man.
Ash: Did someone check the front?
Maine: Nope
Lillian: Not me
Chloe: Checked the tables
Therse: Nuh-uh
Ash: I'll check

I went to the front and saw an SUV parked outside. I saw three silhouettes.

Silhouette 1: Tell me why were waiting here again Jeff
Silhouette 3: They'll look for us. Once we see them we tackle and take them to boss
Silhouette 2: What if they don't?
Silhouette 3: Oh, they will

I called the others and told them what they said. We went to the SUV and crouched a bit so that we won't get caught.

Chloe: What do we do?
Ash: We fight.... well, show up and get captured and knock 'em out
Lillian: Hahahahaha! I remember that
Ash and Nick: Yeah, me too
Therese: Show up and get caught. Love it
Ash: But I was thinking that we split up. Half of us shows up and gets caught, the others follow us through plane or something that flies
Nick: Nice idea
Ash: The ones who gets left behind are backup
Maine: Backup
Chloe: Backup
Therese: Capture
Lillian: Capture
Ash: Capture. Team backup go back to Nick. Team capture stay here and wait for a while
Nick: Nice names

Seven and Chloe went to Nick so silently you can here a pin drop.

Ash: You guys ready?
Lillian: Ever since born!
Therese: Lets just do it!
Ash: Just get their attention

I jumped up along with the rest and started doing randomness

Ash: Yo guys!!! Check this out!

I did a back flip.

Lillian: Cool!!!
Therese: Oh yeah?

Rese did a double kick in the air.

Ash: Mind blown!!!
Lillian: Those are nothing!

Lily then break danced.

Ash: Dance-off bro! Me and you!

Then we all started dancing like we will win money if we do. Then the door to the SUV opened and took the three of us in.

Ash: Hey fellas!
Minion 3: Finally! I told you it would work
Boss Guy: Alright Krag, punch it!
Ash: He means it punch it really hard and break the gas!
Boss Guy: Ughh, more irritating than you Jeff!
Ash: Wait a sec your Jeff
Jeff: Yeah got a prob?
Ash: And the one on the wheel is Kraglin
Kraglin: He said Krag not Kraglin!
Ash: Then, you must be Taserface!
Taserface: Yes, it is I Taserface!
Ash: Cool! GOTGVOL2 in real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lillian: Yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Therese: I regret this
Ash: Relax, I'll get the jokes comin'
Taserface: Try your luck, we never laugh!
Ash: So your Taserface, but you don't look like him. Ya know, that ugly face he has
Taserface: ITS NOT UGLY!!!!
Ash: It does suit you, if everone laughs at you... INCLUDING KRAG AND JEFF!!!
Taserface: They never laugh at my name
Ash: Oh, they will
Lillian: So do you shoot lasers out of your face?
Therese: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shoot lasers out of your face. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Taserface: No I don't
Ash: Don't you want your namesake to have an upgrade? Cuz if you do, MAKE LASERS SHOOT OUT OF YOUR FACE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Lillian and Therese: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Taserface: I want the original to be exactly the same as me
Ash and Lillian: Then make your face ugly!!!!!
Taserface: Grrr... Thats it! Jeff tie them up!
Jeff: You got it boss

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