Chapter 1

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Welcome to my brand new story! I have been wanting to write this for so long, but uni and life has just been hectic. But i finally had an hour or so tonight to start! And i am super excited about this one! I hope you enjoy - Sara Xx

Bloody hell its cold' I thought as my feet made contact with the tarmac and I wrapped my cardigan tighter around my upper body.

My little Australian self was definitely not prepared for this.

I followed the crowd of people who I had just endured the last 17 hour flight with towards the airport, in the hopes that they knew where they were going.... because I had absolutely no idea.

I had to restrain from throwing myself through the airport doors as we entered the building and warmth surrounded me. I continued to follow the crowd, noticing the signs above pointing towards the baggage claim area.

So far so good.

By the time we reached the conveyer belts assigned to our flight, peoples luggage was already making its way around. I kept my eyes peeled for my yellow suitcase with my little Australian flag identity label that my Mum had given me as a farewell gift while being a blubbering mess to "make sure I don't forget my real home"....

About 20 minutes passed and everyone had almost left after collecting their belongings. I was starting to get anxious, praying to God that it didn't get lost in transit... That would be an awful way to start this new adventure.

However, I almost jumped with relief when a few minutes later I watched it fall with a small thump onto the conveyer belt. I followed it with my eyes as it inched closer and closer. I reached my hand out to grasp the handle. "Far out" I whispered, I had forgotten how heavy this thing was.

A thick British accent called from behind me, "Ross, help her"

Suddenly a hand reached out and helped pull my bag off the belt.

"Oh, thank you so much" I smiled, looking up to see a man in his late 50's sitting my bag up straight. A lady who I guessed was his wife appeared beside him as 'Ross' pulled up the handle of the suitcase and shifted it towards me.

"My pleasure, love" he replied

"My names Grace, and this is my husband Ross. Are you here for a holiday?" The lady asked with gentle interest.

"Kind of... I'm here to study" I replied

"Oooo, how exciting. I hope you love it here" Grace gestured

"Thank you" I smiled

"Well, good luck with everything! And welcome to London" Ross called, as they wheeled their luggage and gave a small wave.

I smiled and waved back before placing my carry-on luggage on the top of my suitcase and began making my way towards the exit and the taxi rank.

Once again, I was greeted with the crisp weather as I tugged my sleeves further down my arms. I wheeled my bags and shuffled towards the taxi bay, where a man in uniform waited.

"Taxi for one?"

I nodded my head, "Yes, please"

He waved out his hand and a beautiful old London taxi moved towards us. I smiled excitedly.

The man in the taxi jumped out of the drivers seat and opened the boot, "How are you today, miss?" He asked as he took my bags and placed them carefully in the back of the car

"I'm very well, thank you"

"Ahuh... Australian" He smiled as he shut the boot and came around to open the passenger door for me.

I slide inside, welcoming the warmth. "So where to?" He asked as he jumped in and began pulling out onto the road.

"St Maria's college, please"

He nodded his head "Are you here for study?"

"I sure am" I replied. I turned my head and watched out the window. It was a sunny afternoon, with only a few clouds floating through the sky.

People always told me that London was a dull, miserable place and to prepare myself for the non-stop rain and awful overcast skies. But I could not see one single thing that was boring and miserable about it. The people here didn't seem to mind the cold weather as they continued on with their day, shopping, working, laughing and just genuinely enjoying what London had to offer.

I smiled as Buckingham Palace came into view as we weaved through the afternoon traffic. "It's so beautiful" I said, staring in awe as we slowly drove away from it. "It is.. The royal family are usually in London for most of the Summer to enjoy the nice weather. So you might get lucky and catch a glimpse while you are in town one day"

I smiled, "That would be amaz- Wait! Its Summer?? But its so cold" I spun my head towards 'Walt'

He gave a small chuckle "The beginning of Summer, yes"

I shook my head, smiling

A smile continued to play on his lips "Just wait until Winter"

He looked ahead down the road "St Maria's is only a short bus ride or decent walk from the city. But its not too close that you get all the hustle and bustle" Walt announced as we seemed to leave all the traffic of London city behind and enter the country. Everything was so green and delightful.

My tummy did a little excited flip.

I was already falling in love with this place.

Only a few short minutes later, we made a turn, entering through two grand gates.

"Here we are, love... Welcome to St Maria's college"

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