Chapter 5

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I woke not to my alarm that I had previously set the night before, but to a loud bang, followed by a high pitched yelp.

I sat up in bed to see Rosie rolling around on the floor in pain. She looked up, seeing that I was awake "I stubbed my toe" She whimpered, pointing towards the corner of her desk

I cringed, my own toe hurting at the thought of it. I looked back at her "Ouch. Are you okay?"

She nodded, still holding onto her foot "Yeah, it just bloody hurt"

I glanced at the alarm clock that sat beside my bed. It read: 5:22am

"Where are you going so early?" I asked, cocking my head to the left slightly

Rosie stood up "Im going to bathe before it gets crazy busy later on before classes" She declared, grabbing her toiletry bag off of the floor where she had dropped it

"Oh" I replied "That's a good idea"

"Wanna come too? Beat the rush?" She chirped, flinging her towel over her left shoulder

I nodded my head and tore off the blankets, my feet making contact with the cool wooden floorboards. I tapered over to my wardrobe, pulling out my dressing gown, toiletries bag and todays outfit that consisted of a pair of black leggings and a navy t-shirt.

I turned to Rosie "Okay! Ready!"

We exited our room into the dark hallway. It was quiet. The early rays of sunlight only just slightly seeping through the blinds that lined the windows that looked out onto the court yard- almost the same view that our dorm-room windows held.

"This way" Rosie directed, nodding forward. We navigated quietly and quickly through the halls. As we moved, lights began to illuminate under a few doors, indicating that other students were also beginning to rise for the first day of classes.

After making a few turns, Rosie swung open the fogged glass door to the bathrooms.

"We're the first ones!" She cheered, fist pumping into the air

I laughed at her enthusiasm as I hung up my outfit on one of the silver hooks that lined the wall opposite the bathrooms. Small deep-sea green coloured tiles with the St Marias emblem imbedded within them were scattered amongst an interesting choice of blue and yellow tiles that covered 3 out-of-the 4 walls that made up the communal bathroom. Small, barely-open windows sat above each of the shower stalls, with one big window made of frosted glass ensuring no individual could see either out nor in, but still aided in illuminating the room, sat at the far end.

Collections and patches of mould spread across the roof indicating the age of this building and the bathroom itself.

"Try not to look up" Rosie suggested, noticing my observation of the roof above our heads "The student health and welfare committee have been on the boards back about getting someone to take care of the mouldy situation, but , we are yet to see anything be done about it. Plus, this place was built waaayyy before exhaust fans were invented"

I nodded my head as Rosie moved into one of the shower stalls, pulling closed the curtain.

"So" Rosies voice rang as she turned on the shower and steam began to rise above her stall "Are you excited for your first day?"

I chose the stall next to Rosie's, slinging my bath towel over the rail "Umm" I started, turning on my own hot water, resulting in more steam rising and most likely, adding to the mould collection "More nervous, I think" I replied, lathering myself in vanilla-scented body wash

"You'll be fine!" She chimed " I can already tell you are going to make a great nurse. Plus, you don't have to worry about not being able to find a boyfriend considering you've already got that guy you met yesterday falling at your feet"

I let out a laugh at Rosie's last comment and finished off showering. Rosie was still showering by the time I stepped out of the stall, my wet thongs slapping against the tiles floor. Careful not to slip, I waddled over to my pile of clothes sitting on the bench and began getting dressed.


It was quarter-past 6 by the time Rosie and I both exited the bathroom. Already there were students bustling around, making their way to the showers or to anywhere else they would be going at this time of the morning.

"Ive got a full fun-packed day of second-year journalism classes today" Rosie announced once we were back in our dorm. She was shoving a few notebooks and her laptop into a backpack. "So I wont be back until about 5ish, did you want to go out and grab some dinner to celebrate the first day?"

"Sure!" I beamed "That sounds great!"

"Done then! Ill text you later once ive figured out a place" She confirmed, standing up. She glanced at the clock sitting on her bedside table. It was now just after 6:30am. "I better get going, my lecture hall is practically on the other side of campus. Do you need help finding your room?"

I shook my head "I should be okay... I have my map!" I said waving it in the air.

Rosie smiled, giving me a hug "Well, have a wonderful first day and let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Thank you"

She gave a small wave as she disappeared out the door and I was left alone. I quickly tied up the laces to my white converse and slung my black bag over my shoulder. Holding my timetable and map of the campus in hand, I left the warmth of the dorm room and began navigating my way to class.

The first class of the day was a 2 hour lecture called "Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology" located in the Queen Elizabeth building which, according to the map was just on the other side of the court yard.

Exiting the dorm room, I was met with the cold, crisp morning London air. Goose-bumps instantly covering my skin. I rubbed my arms and kept on moving. Glancing down at the map, I turned it horizontally, tracing my finger carefully from the dorm building, along the pathway to which I was walking, to the building that I was meant to be heading.

I looked up, locking eyes with the ageing, golden plaque that read "Queen Elizabeth Building". I smiled. Success!

As I approached the front of the building, students flooded through the doors, all trying to get to their classes on time. I joined the sea of bodies, welcoming the warmth that the heaters offered, and found my way to the lecture hall. The hall seemed almost as old as the exterior of the building, and perhaps, Queen Elizabeth herself. The walls were held of pale brick, with large, vertical windows situated on the wall opposite the entry door. From where I was standing, they seemed to look out onto a small court yard with one, lonesome apple tree. Another pale brick building stood on the other side, with identical windows, however this one had vines growing up the side.

I wondered if this building had vines growing too.

"Excuse me" A gruff voice rang from behind me

I spun around, stepping to the side to let a boy with a curly mop of orange pass. I hadnt even realised I had stopped in the middle of the doorway while I had been taking in the contents of the room and details of court yard. "Sorry" I called

With my cheeks a little flushed, I found a seat in the 7th row from the front and sat down. Watching the professor bustle her papers around on her wooden desk, I pulled out my notebook ready for my first official day at St Maria's. 

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