Chapter 6

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Okay! I have no idea if this is any good. Im just writing, and i am trying my best but i am totally unsure if its any good! But i hope it is! And i hope you enjoy it! Its late where i live, but i wanted to publish this chapter tonight so here you go! PLease let me know what you think xxx -S

"But how was your first day, Eleanor! Please! I want to hear all about it"

I smiled into the phone at my Mothers excitement.

"It was good. I really love it here already, but boy there is a lot of content and the campus is massive!" I replied, continuing to fill her in on how all the buildings were named after the British Royal Family and other 'important' stuff about the college and my first day here at St Maria's.

It was about 5:30pm, and the sun was beginning to cast a warm, peachy afternoon glow across the campus. Clusters of students continued to wander to the last of the days classes, while others sprawled out across the main grass courtyard already studying and starting this weeks readings.

"Are you sure you don't want to come home?"

My attention returned to my current phone call with my Mum. I laughed at her proposition "I miss you too, Mum"

She sighed "Its just so weird to not have you here. We all miss you. And even though Lachlan doesn't like to admit it, I think he misses you the most"

I smiled at the thought of my tough, older brother missing me. "Oh yeah sure" I retorted sarcastically

Mum chuckled through the phone "Well, I guess I better let you go. I don't want to eat up all of your international call time or whatever you call it... But promise you'll call again soon? And email and message every day?"

'Yes, Mum. I love you! Tell Dad and Lachy that I say hello and that I love them too, okay?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Have a good night, I love you"

The call ended and I continued to take my time walking across the yard.

I welcomed a cool breeze that swept through my brown, wavy hair, allowing it to flow down my back. I glanced down at my phone to look at the time, but instead, Rosie's name flashed up on the screen. I pondered for a moment, trying to remember when she had entered her number into my phone before pressing the little green phone icon to answer.

"Hey Ella! Did you have a good day!?" Her voice chirped even before I could utter an initial 'hello'

I began to reply but was cut off, once again, by her British accent ringing in my ear "That's good! I can't wait to hear all about it tonight! I've booked us a table at 'The Rufus Fish Bar'. They have the best fish and chips!"

"I don't doubt it" I laughed, stepping deliberately on a brown, crunchy leaf.

"I'll send you the address, okay? Meet at about 6ish?"

"Okay! See you soon, Rosie!"

"Adios" She sang before the call ended and the line went dead.

It was quartered to 6, so I made a quick dash to the dorm room. Shutting the door behind me, I sauntered over to the small wooden wardrobe.

Shimming into a pair of black stockings, a forest green t-shirt dress and, a denim jacket, I quickly put on a pair of flats and retreated back out into the London evening in search of this restaurant Rosie had deemed obtained impeccable fish and chips.

Pushing my black satchel bag onto my shoulder, Curiously, the restaurant was located on the other side of the campus. The side I had yet to venture and explore.

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