Chapter Three - The Girl Called Dancer

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Chapter 3

“You kind of deserved that, dude,” I laughed as Tyler glared at his reflection in the mirror.

“Shut up, Knight. It’s not funny,” Hadley defended his brother, frowning in my direction.

“You’re right, it’s not funny. It’s hilarious. She totally bitch-slapped him,” I chuckled.

“I’m gonna kill that bitch. Next time I see her, she’s dead,” Tyler growled, finally turning away from the mirror. There was still a red hand-shaped mark on his cheek. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up with a bruise, considering how hard she’d hit him.

“Whoa, hey now. Don’t you think that’s a little unnecessary?” I raised an eyebrow at my friend.

“Don’t you think slapping me was ‘a little unnecessary’?” he seethed. I looked at him and shrugged.

“I don’t know, man. I mean, she did apologize for running into you. You didn’t have to insult her like that. That was actually kind of cruel,” I frowned, remembering the hurt look in the girl’s eyes.

“You don’t get it Knight. She’s poor. Her kind doesn’t belong here,” Hadley told me, as though that explained everything. I shook my head in disbelief.

“No, I don’t get it. I don’t see how that makes a difference. It’s certainly no excuse for being mean to a cute girl,” I added.

“Cute?” They both raised their eyebrows at me.

“You don’t agree?”

“Maybe in a one night stand kind of way.”

“You mean a ‘use her then lose her’ kind of way?”

“Exactly.” They both nodded. I stared at them in shock, and then shook my head in disgust. “Right… remind me again. Why am I friends with you two?” Sometimes they could be real jerks.

“’Cause we’re related,” Tyler told me, and I grinned at him.


“Whatever, dude. Come on, the bell is about to ring.” Hadley grabbed his stuff and led the way out into the hall and towards our next class. I tried to pay attention to where I was going, but all the halls looked the same to me. This school was so huge; I was never going to get the hang of navigating it.

We made it to class just as the bell rang, and – after introducing myself for the millionth time that day – I sat down and proceeded to ignore the teacher completely. It wasn’t like we were going to do any work; it was the first day of school after all.

After what seemed like the longest hour of my life, the bell rang again and I jumped up, following Hadley and Tyler out of the room. “I have study hall now,” I said as I checked my schedule. “Where do I go for that?”

“The library. Go down that hall on your right,” Hadley told me, pointing the way.

“Thanks man,” I followed their directions and ended up in what was probably the nicest school library in the world. It was two floors, with massive windows running along the outer edge. The fist floor was mostly filled with bookshelves, but every few meters there was a grouping of couches and chairs. A sign informed me that study hall was on the upper level, so I followed the stairs up to the loft-like second floor, where I found a computer lab with state of the art machines, and several long tables for students to work at.

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