Chapter 42

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Jerica slams the door and runs to the bathroom, she's been feeling sick all day and the sweet smell of Timmy's birthday cake has finally done her in. Dropping to her knees, Jerica throws up into the toilet. Not sure why she's sick, she decides to not say anything yet to see if this is just a one time thing or if she's coming down with something. After brushing her teeth, she goes out, unloads her car, and starts getting things ready for Timmy's party.

Harry has been watching Jerica all afternoon, trying to figure out what it is about her that's bothering him. Seeing her take a drink of her water, he finally figures it out. Jerica isn't eating, and she hasn't all day, all she's done is sip on water. Pushing off the counter, Harry walks to where she's sitting. He sits down beside, wraps his arm around her waist.
"You okay? You're not eating." He whispers.

Jerica nods. "I'm fine. Cake is to sweet, it's making me sick." She whispers back, not wanting anyone else to know.

"Mommy." Timmy yells, as he runs into the room, crashing into Harry's legs. "Can we go ice skating? Please? Uncle Lou said it's safe."

"I don't see why not." Jerica says. "Daddy? You want to go ice skating?" She asks Harry.

"I'd love to mommy." Harry says, standing up, pulling Jerica with him.

Louis walks over and sits next to Anne on the bench she's on. "You look deep in thought." He says, handing her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks. Not really. Just watching." Anne says, nodding as Harry and Jerica skate by holding hands as they following Timmy. "I so hope this lasts. I like Harry like this."

"Yeah, Jeri is good for him." Louis says. "And Harry seems to be doing great. Has Jeri agreed to let you be her agent yet?" Louis asks.

"No." Anne smiles. "She said she's not giving Harry a reason to accuse her of using him to get to me, even after all this time."

"You don't seriously think he'd do that now do you?" Louis asks.

"Who knows? I quit trying to figure Harry out a long time ago." Anne says. "I'm not to worried right now, she seems to be doing just fine without me or anyone else for that matter."

"Yeah, she's a huge hit at the shop also. People come in all the time wanting tattoos done by her." Louis says.

"Hey mom, you ready to head in and warm up? Timmy's tired." Harry says as he sees Jerica run into the house. "Lou, make sure mom gets in okay." He says as he takes of running.

"What's wrong with him?" Anne asks.

"Hmm, not sure. Come on let go find out. Andi is in there, she'll know what's going on." Louis says.

As soon as Harry runs into the house Andi points down the hallway. "Bedroom." She says holding both kids looking worried.

Harry rushes into their bedroom just as Jerica runs into the bathroom, by the time Harry gets in there she's already on her knees in front of the toilet, throwing up. "Oh babe." Harry says as he kneels down beside her. "Want me to call Karen?"

"May as well." Jerica says. "I think I know what's wrong." She whispers.

Harry just looks at her. "What do you think this is?"

"Come on Harry? Think about it. Two months ago your mom kept Timmy at her condo. What happened?" Jerica asks. "I don't remember you taking the time to grab protection. And I'm not on anything."

Harry just looks at her. "Your pregnant? Again?"

"I think so. Why else would I be sick around certain smells." Jerica says, waiting for him to respond.

"It was only once." Harry whispers.

Jerica snorts. "Once is all it takes Harry."

"But you're not even my girlfriend." Harry says stupidly, like that makes a difference.

Jerica just shakes her head. "It think it's time you leave. Timmy's tired and the party is over. I'll clean up on my own.

In a daze Harry nods and turns to walk away. When he gets to the doorway he hears Jerica crying, realizing what he doing he stops. "No! No, I'm not bailing on you this time." Harry says as he turns and walks back into the room. "I'm not leaving you, Jeri." Harry says as he hugs her.

"Harry, please don't." Jerica cries as she tries to push him away. "I don't want you staying unless you're 100% sure."

"I am. Jeri, I love you. I'm not leaving you, ever again." Harry says. "Babe I made a promise. I'm not going back on it. Now let's call Karen, I'd like to know if we're going to parents again."

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