Part 4

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Chapter Seven- Anxiety

After the second interview, Derek calls Rossi to see if they have had any luck. Unfortunately, Dave and Savannah haven't learned anything new either. Derek and Spencer head for the third one their list, the librarian in charge of the children's section.

Abigail White opens the door looking cheerful and alert. Derek cannot help but picture what Spencer looked like this morning: grumpy and exhausted. It took three cups of coffee before Spencer started to look normal and he didn't even bother to put in his contacts. Derek thinks he looks adorable in his retro glasses. "Good morning, Ma'am. I'm Agent Morgan and this is Dr. Reid. Would it be okay if we ask you some questions?"

White checks their badges before inviting them inside. "Can I get either of you something to drink? Coffee? Water?"

"No, thank you, Mrs. White," Derek responds.

She waves her hand dismissively, "Mrs. White is my mother-in-law. Call me Abigail."

"Of course, Abigail."

Smiling, Abigail asks, "Now, what can I help you with?"

"I am sure you have heard about the two young boys that were murdered," Spencer states.

"Yes, of course. I knew them both; JJ and Matty were such enthusiastic readers. A tragic loss for both their families."

Derek nods. "Yes, it is."

"And now a third boy has been taken. I don't remember his name...Nate? Norman?"

"Noah Jackson," Spencer adds helpfully. "We found him early this morning. He is safe and at home with his parents."

Derek continues, "Noah is not connected to JJ and Matty's cases. His father is the one that kidnapped him. But JJ and Matty's killer is still out there."

Abigail twists her hands, glad that Noah had been found but sorrowful at the loss of JJ and Matty. "What can I do to help?"

"The library is one of the links we have found that connects JJ and Matty," Spencer says.

"Are you saying that someone at the library is responsible?"

Derek cautiously states, "Possibly. None of the employees or volunteers have been charged or suspected of a sexual crime. We are hoping that one of the employees at the library has noticed something or someone that could help us find the perpetrator."

Abigail shakes her head, if she had noticed someone or something suspicious she would have reported it.

"Close your eyes, Abigail. Is there a person that frequents the library, someone that spends time in the children's section but doesn't have a child? A person that spends numerous hours at the library but may not take out many books. Someone that appears to be reading but is instead watching people around him," Spencer coaxes.

Abigail squeezes her eyes shut, trying to remember someone like that. Memories flash through her brain, but no one fits. She does not remember anyone like that. "I'm sorry, but I don't recall anyone like that. I can try to keep an eye out when I'm at work, though."

"What about frequent users of the library's computers? Anyone stand out in your memory?" Derek inquires, thinking of the blogs Garcia found.

She goes over the patrons in her head but the faces all seem to blur together. Students, children, and adults, all utilize the library's computers. "I'm sorry, no one stands out. So many people use the computers..." Abigail murmurs regretfully.

"Do you know about the parenting blog run by Joshua Markson Senior or the one written by Pamela Washington?" Spencer questions.

She shakes her head no. "I didn't know about either one."

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