Part 5

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*****Short POV change

                                                                      Chapter Nine

"I cannot believe you kept something like this from me," Derek accuses harshly. "We promised we wouldn't lie to each other, did we not?" Derek asks.

Spencer flinches at the dark, dangerous tone and the truth of his words. He ducks his head, deeply ashamed at breaking the vow he made to his Dom. "I'm sorry, Sir. I had no choice. I made a magical vow not to tell. They said that if I told you, I could be hurt, maybe even die."

"You lied to me, Pretty Boy. You broke your word. Kept secrets from me," Derek growls.

Spencer bites his lip to suppress the submissive whine that is bubbling up. He wants more than anything to sink to his knees and beg for his Dom's forgiveness. Looking up with pleading eyes, Spencer begs, "Please, Sir. I had no choice. It hurt me to keep this from you. I wanted more than anything to tell you everything."

Derek can see how miserable Spencer is and knows he is regretful. Spencer isn't lying to him. His Sub truly believes that he would be harmed had he told him. "Do you believe them?"

"Yes," Spencer answers simply.

Derek sighs. Spencer isn't gullible. He's a logical thinker. If they convinced Spencer that magic is real, then they are either incredibly talented frauds, and considering how skilled Spencer is at reading body language Derek finds that unlikely, or they are legit. "Magic," Derek says in disbelief.

Spencer smiles minutely, "Real magic." Even though he knew about magic days before the rest of the team, he still gets excited about seeing it done right before his eyes.

"You saw them do magic?"

"Yes. It was...unbelievable but undeniable."

Derek harrumphs. He still isn't happy that Spencer lied to him but it seems his Sub had his reasons. Derek reaches out and pulls Spencer to him. His Sub snuggles into him gratefully, letting Derek's touch comfort him. Derek pets his hair, leaning close until his mouth is at Spencer's ear. "I understand why you kept this from me."

Spencer's hands tighten around Derek's back.

"But that doesn't mean you are forgiven, Pretty Boy."

Spencer answers quietly, "I understand, Sir."

"You will have to earn my forgiveness, won't you?"

Spencer answers eagerly, "Yes, Sir." He knows when they get home his punishment will begin. What that will be, Spencer doesn't know. Derek won't tell him, his Dom loves to let his mind go wild with the possibilities. It is part of the punishment, using Spencer's mind against himself. By the time they get home, Spencer will have thought of countless more punishments than an average mind could.

JJ knocks on Aaron's door, he looks up quickly and calls her in. "What can I do for you, JJ?"

She closes the door before taking a seat facing his desk. "What do you think?"

"About what?" Aaron pretends to focus on the file in front of him.

"Do you believe them?" She asks him but continues without waiting for a response. "Because I have to tell you, I honestly, don't know what to think."

Aaron remains silent before looking up at JJ, "The only thing we can do is listen to what they have to say." He shrugs his shoulders, pretending that none of this is bothering him in the least. His mouth feels like it is filled with sand, and he does not believe a word he just spoke. He feels betrayed by Harry. Seeing him in the arms of another man only twisted the knife deeper into his heart. Aaron does not like the comfortable manner the other man touched what belongs to him. He could not stop the jealousy he felt seeing them so close, despite the redhead having the same complexion and hair color as the twins. Harry is his and no one else's. The entire time in the conference room Aaron watched their interaction. It hurt to see Harry calm from his comforting touch. Aaron's dominant nature wanted to grab Harry from the man's arms and scream mine while the logical side of him held back.The thought of losing Harry after they have been together for such a short time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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