Chapter 1: An Unfamiliar Air

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   The strangest thing that came happen to someone is waking up in an unfamiliar bed. That's what happened to me.
   I sat up that morning, and looked around. My first thought, when did my room get so dark? My glasses were on the night table next to me. I put them on, and gasped. This wasn't my room.

  "What the..." I started, then I saw a note pinned to the door. I got out of bed, realizing I wasn't wearing the giraffe onesie I had been wearing when I went to bed the night before. I was wearing a dress shirt, a black tuxedo vest, slacks, and business shoes. That's strange... I thought. I walked to the door, and read the note.

   Welcome to Hopes Peak Estate! Please head to the Auditorium to meet the other residents!

  I had go see what this was about. I stepped out of my room and looked around. There were three other rooms, with a nameplate and picture on each door. I closed the door and looked at the nameplate.


   There was a picture of me above it. I was getting more and more creeped out by the minute.
   Only when I was walking down the hallway did I realize I had no idea where to find the Auditorium. Then the hallway opened up into a foyer kind of area. There were signs by each of the three other hall ways.

Dining Hall

This was next to the hallway across from me. I walked down that hallway, and entered the large auditorium. There were only sixteen seats facing the stage, fourteen of them had people sitting in them. I took a seat next to a girl wearing a purple school uniform and light pink hair.

"I'm Lizzie." She said in a similar British accent to mine.

"Uni." I replied,"Do you have any idea what we're doing here?"

"Not a clue. I just woke up in a room and found a note. Then I came here..." she replied.

"Same." Said a guy wearing a red checkered jacket.

He had light brown hair, and was sitting next to... I wasn't sure what he was... the guy was covered in dark brown fur, and he was wearing a suit. He turned to look at me, then seemed to read my mind.

"I'm a bacca." He said," That's why I'm hairy and stuff"

"Oh...ok." I said

"I'm Jerome." Jerome said.

"Mitch" Mitch said, raising a hand, "what's up?"

"The sky!" A guy with brown hair, jeans, and a white T-shirt with black sleeves cried.

"That joke was pretty sky-high, Sly!" A guy who also wore a red checkered jacket, with darker brown hair and black rimmed glasses cracked.

"Oh gosh dang it don't you start." Another girl with long hair said.

Half of her hair was turquoise, the other half purple. She looked like she was middle-High school age. She and the guy, Sly, seemed to be the youngest ones here.

"Yeah, get your head Out of the clouds Tyler." A third girl with wavy long brown hair, and a white-and-blue striped shirt said.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" The younger girl yelled, although she was smiling.

"You guys are HILARIOUS!!" Cried a girl with long brown hair with a pink bow in back, and a pink dress.

She was cracking up next to a guy in armor, who was chuckling himself.

"Hi, you just came in right?" A guy with slightly curly black hair, red-rimmed sunglasses with blue glass asked me.

"Yeah, I'm Uni." I answered.

"I'm Jordan." He replied," The guy with brown hair and the shirt is Sly, the girl with the colorful hair is Moon, the two knuckleheads cracking puns over there are Tyler and Stacey. The gal with the fox ears and tail is Morgan. The guy in armor is Pat, and the girl laughing her head off is Jen. That secluded guy over there is Jay. He's got a dirty mouth, if you know what I mean. That girl with the red shirt and brown hair is Ashlee, and the girl talking to her with the purple hair is Tiff. You've already met Lizzie, Mitch, and Jerome."

"Wow, thanks!" I said.

"Well, well, well! We've got to know everyone good and proper?" A high raspy voice asked.

We all looked towards the stage. A stuffed toy stood there. It looked like a monochrome teddy bear, but while it's white side looked normal, the black side had a cruel smile, and an even crueler looking eye.

"Good! Now kill each other!" It cried.

"W-what?!" I exclaimed.

"That's crazy!" Lizzie yelled next to me.

"I don't care how you do it!" The bear continued,"Stab, bash, gut, strangle... I don't care! Feel free to stop hearts to your hearts content! I'm slobberin' for some slaughterin'!"

"Who the he** are you!!" Jay yelled.

He paused, looking confused.

"What the He**? F***! S***! Why the f*** can't I f***ing cuss!?!" He yelled.

Each time he tried to say a curse word, it was like he was muted automatically by an invisible remote.

"Ah, ah, aah! This is a kid-friendly murder environment! No potty language! I've taken the liberty of censoring you Scout boy. As for who I am...." The bear started, "Upupupu~! My name's Monokuma! I'm the Landlord of this Estate. If you have any trouble, see me...SYKE! See ya scrubs! Happy killing~!"

"Dang..." Jay muttered.

He scowled.

"Ok, so I can say dang. Fudge? Shoot? Crap? D***?" He said to himself, "Dangit!"

"Um, hello, everyone?" I cried.

I stood up, and looked at them.

"My name's Uni. We don't have to listen to the bear! Let's go explore together!" I said.

They agreed. We explored the hallways. The dining hall was down the same hallway as the Auditorium. It was large, and had a kitchen in it. The food seemed unlimited! Also down down that hallway was what looked like elevator doors, and a blocked off staircase.

Down the other hallways were more rooms for everyone. There were three groups. A-J was down the hallway to my left, K-P to my right. I was in the Q-Z rooms. So was Stacey, Tyler, Sly, and Tiff.
-----------Insert Chapter 1.5-----------
That's when Monokuma returned when we had all been in the Dining Hall for a little.

"I see that I missed Motive! Every killer needs to have it!" Monokuma called," So here it is! Some of you might have felt that something's missing, yeah? Well, the missing is your memories!

"Get away with murder, and I'll return them to you."

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