A Weird Occurance.

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Lucy walked into school her eyes flicking up to the ceiling of her preparatory school, as she  arrived in the main hall. Her parents had just dropped her off, and the lights seemed dimmer than usual. And the teachers who greeted Lucy in the morning weren't there either. Lucy sighed, finnaly no nagging from Principal Shores because of her ripped skirt that was still not stichted up. Even though she wasn't here, but she  felt as if Principal Shores  was watching her somewhere.

Lucy  clacked into the library, the books were stacked on the desk the way she had left them, her best friend with long blonde hair, thier normal school uniform, black flats, and a cute pink bracelet who volunteered to work at our local library every morning was halfway asleep on the sign in desk. "Hey Valorie"  Lucy said placing her Red bookbag on the table. "Hey, Lulu morning" said Valorie her face slamming up from the desk. Lucy giggled, "what do you need me to do this morning" asked Lucy tightening the red ribbon in her brown hair. "I guess you can rearrange the books by genre, and laminate these signs for me" said Valorie  pointing at white papers on the shiny desk. "Alright" Lucy said walking to each isle and sorting books by the genre on their spines. Finnaly, she finished sorting by genres and walked over to the desk and looked at the signs while Valorie reached for coffee on the other side of the desk, practically crawling up the side of the desk. "all I need you to do is laminate those signs in the teacher's lounge, it has a sign for every genre there should be hmmm ten if I am correct, and then bring them back to me" Valorie  said straightening her blue skirt.

As Lucy walked down the hallway to the teacher's lounge, she saw no one not a teacher or a student. The door to the lounge was opened wide and a young girl stood at the printer. She had long black hair pulled in pigtails, tan skin, a white prepatory top with a purple tie, and a purple skirt that had the words Arabella in bold black letters. She hummed to her self softly. "Excuse me, I need to use that real quick" Lucy said quietly. "One second" said the girl in a floating like voice. After the girl moved from the printer, Lucy put in the ten Papers and let the machine do it's job, she leaned against the counter and closed her eyes. "What is your name" said the girl, Lucy opened her eyes to see the black haired girl who had pretty blue eyes with her head tilted. "Lucy" Lucy answered closing her eyes again listening to the printer. "I know you didn't ask but my name is Arabella" said the girl walking past her and picking up the laminated papers out of the printer. Valorie came into the teacher's lounge at full speed, "come.. look.. at... this" she huffed and grabbed Lucy's arm, oddly enough Arabella followed. Maybe because the school was so empty and she was scared.

When the three girls arrived in the library there was a hole in the ground covered by a pink watery substance, but through the clear pink water was a landscape of beautiful mountains. Lucy gasped.

A Fantasy (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant