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Emilio's POV:
It's a new school year and I just moved to Florida. Ivan, my sister Rebeca and I are getting in the car to go to school when I see a really pretty girl about 5"2 walk out of a house and start walking to what appears to be a bus stop.

Ivan POV:
I catch Emilio looking at a girl so I text him so our mother doesn't hear:
Ivan: I saw what you were staring at😏
Emilio: Omg😂🙃

Sasha POV:
Someone moved into the house next door to me and I saw a car leaving when i was leaving my house so they might go to my HS. It would be cool to have people my age live in my neighborhood.
Sasha POV:
I run up to Carly and give her a huge hug even though we hung out everyday this summer😂.
Sasha: CARLY
Carly: SASHA
The bell rings a I see these really cute i'm guessing twins walk in i've never seen them before so they must be new.
Emilio POV:
I saw that girl from this morning and i think her friend. She was really really pretty. I was at gym class and i fixed my hair in the boys locker room mirror and i walked out and a whole bunch of girl crowded me. But in the distant just looking at me was that girl from this morning
Sasha: Guys he's new give him some space.
They all looked at her then left. Her hair was in a high messy bun. She waved at me and signaled to cold over so I did. She introduced herself vise versa and her friend Carly did too.
Sasha POV;
He's really hot.

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