Elizabeth Tudor

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"Hey Edith look!" Catherine snickered to her best friend, "its little baby Bessie. Where's your witchy mother witch? Oh sorry she was beheaded for being a lying witch!". She then started snorting uncontrolably. She noticed a furious looking princess start to go red. "Oh no! Are you going to cast a spell on me ginger? Or are you going to throw a punch at me? Your mother would've cursed me."
"I am not a witch and neither was my mother!" Elizabeth raged, tears of anger mixed with hurt and sadness.
"Little baby Bess is crying for mummy!"
"Shut up!"
"My mother always said that Anne Bolyen was a wretched witch that deservered what she got." That was the final straw for Elizabeth. She punched Catherine hard on the cheek. It went a violent shade of red. Catherine's eyes narrowed she shoved Liz over onto her back. "Don't you dare push me over again, you filthy little witch!" Catherine warned. Elizabeth scrambled to her feet and ran, pools gathered in the bottem of her eyelids and threatened pour down her cheeks.

When Elizabeth got home her dad was out hunting so only Alice and Mary were waiting for her to walk in. She burst through the door and dashed upstairs, throwing her bag in the corner of the room. "Elizabeth!" She heard Alice call her from downstairs. She was too upset to go down. "Elizabeth?" the door creaked open a little and Alice peered round the door, "can I come inside?" Elizabeth nodded her head half-heartedly. Alice sat on the edge of Liz's bed and dragged her onto her lap. "What's wrong?" She asked, her brown curls tickling Elizabeth's cheek.

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