Elizabeth's plan

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Two black figures crept silently to the edge of the tower and fumbled around in a bag for some rope. Agnes, the blonde haired one, slung the rope onto the wall and watched it hook into place. Elizabeth, the ginger one, eagerly watched as her plan began to unfold. She and Alice's sister were about to comit a crime that could kill them, literally.
"I'll go first and check that the coast is clear," whispered Agnes as she started climbing the rope.
She peered over the edge to make sure no one was there. "Clear!" She called out as quietly as she could. As soon as Elizabeth had clambered over the stone wall, the girls set off towards the white tower in search of the ex queen.

They crept cautiously around the corners until they came to about the 4th stone staircase. They began to tiptoe up the stairs. Suddenly the staircase filled with voices. "If he 'adn't moved i would've 'ad 'is 'ead off in one fell fell swoop," a voice said, " so it's your fault for not 'olding 'im!".
"My fault!" A second voice said, " i don't trust you not to 'ave me 'ands off!". The arguing voices came closer a few swear words were added into the mix. Elizabeth found herself being yanked behind another corner and her ears being covered. Soon the echo of footsteps were far off in the distance and the two figures carried on their search.

When they came to Alice's prison, they saw that it looked comfier than the others that they had seen on their way. "Alice," Agnes whispered softly. The bedcovers started moving and Alice sat up in her bed and stared in shocked horror at her rescuers. "Agnes! I told you not to come!" Alice said almost forgetting to whisper, "Elizabeth what are you doing here? This wasn't your plan was it?". She fixed Elizabeth with a glare. "I can't say it was my idea but i can't really say it wasn't either," she flashed an inocent but mistevious grin. "Either way you both need to go," Alice whispered. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?". The girls turned around in horror to see a guard right behind them.

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