People at the movie

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3. people at the movies

so I come to the movie theater to have a nice laugh maybe cry a little and just be happy. but we allll know that there are some people who just ruin this day for you. there are 4

types of people

1. the laugher

now I love to laugh at movies but there are just some people who laugh like they have to laugh to save their life. they are laughing like crazy and they think it's the funniest thing in the whole world. but guess what, ITS NOT.

2. the talkers

these are the people who talk out-loud the whole movie.

"OMG did you hear that that is so funny"

it's not like that is a whisper it's as they are talking to china.

they just talk the whole movie and you really just want to yell shut-up,buuut then you would fit into this category.

3. the texters

they are the selfish spoiled teenagers who don't care that they are in a movie they are just there to take selfies and say

"selfies with the best at the movies"

like no stfu!

know one gives 2 poops about your selfies.

4. The spoilers

these are the people who have already seen or read the book about this movie and they are telling their friend what going to happen right before it does.

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