Author's note

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Welcome readers,

Here are a few words about the book before we jump off to the first chapter :

First of all, "Mania" is a mere description of how an eighteen year old, namely Sharleah Stafford, stands up to face her fears. It's not the typical story of a girl who changes from weak and helpless to all strong ninja-girl. Instead, it's how she survives and not escapes. How she keeps holding on. How she turns the very same weaknesses into her major strengths.

The words "be strong" doesn't mean to be all masculine or to make people fear you. It is more of a psychological attribute and has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the appearance. Being strong does not mean that you're not scared ... it's how you choose to carry on even when you're scared. Its simple to say, but way harder to act upon.

Also, there's the misconception of people being referred to as weak. According to me, no one is weak. The difference lies in the perspective. A so-called strong person chooses to ignore his weaknesses and believe in his strengths while a so-called weak person isn't aware of his strengths and focuses on the weaknesses. I hope I make sense.

I don't personally believe in the word "FEARLESS". According to me, it's in human nature to be afraid. The ending of this story isn't about turning fearless, it's about becoming courageous.

This is all my opinion and not some universal facts I'm stating. I totally understand if you don't agree with my point of view. :)

Lastly, I'm not an English guru or something. Neither do I have perfect grammar, punctuation or writing skills. So for the errors in the book PLEASE DON'T JUDGE :D

That'll be it for now

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