6. Don't bother

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Where is she?

Why isn't she answering her phone???

I waited twenty-five long minutes for Cassie, but she didn't show up . Everytime I called her, it would go straight to voicemail. I looked out the window one more time, but there was no one to be seen.

Is she safe ???

Was it right to share everything with her?

All the negative thoughts vanished the second I received a message from Cassie.

Cassie: Hey, sorry had some work 2 do. Meet me at the mart and we'll go together to the cops. <3

Shoving my phone and keys in my pocket, I grabbed the only evidence I had -the blue envelope, and left the house. On my way to the V-mart, I kept on rehearsing in my mind, how I was going to tell the officers everything. Things may get normal after this, and I could spend my days without anymore trauma.

After a ten minute drive, I finally reached the mart and parked my car in the usual spot. I took out the envelope from the dashboard, unlocked my seat belt and hopped out of the car. The strange feeling in my stomach kept on increasing with every step I took towards the entrance.

I was at the end of parking lot, when a loud deafening sound halted me in my tracks. I saw the glass of the car parked next to me, shattering to pieces. A big, muscular hand slid around my waist and before I could process anything, I was on the floor with a thousand pound of muscles on me.

"Oumph! "

"Stay down, they're firing, " a deep husky voice whispered in my ear.

The sound of vehicle alarms and bullets being fired around us were ear-splitting. I glanced at the man above me, but couldn't make out anything since his face was covered by a hood. His hands were encircled around my waist and I felt every breath he took, on my skin. I shut my eyes tightly and leaned into his muscular hard chest, trying to block away the noise.

It was ear-splitting, deafening, extremely loud to say the least. I flinched with every shot being fired. Vehicle alarms, firing, screams, my abnormally fast heartbeat and the heavy breathing of the man above me were the sounds I could register at the moment. I shut my eyes even tighter, if that was even possible and pressed my head against his chest.

When the noise faltered, I turned my head to look at a familiar vehicle, racing away. And not just any vehicle, it was the same black Pajero I remembered from that Friday night. My eyes almost fell out of my sockets.

They were here!

They were here to kill me.

The weight above me disappeared, all of a sudden. I turned my head to see him standing upright, clutching his left shoulder by his hand while staring at me intensely.

Was he... shot ?

"You okay? " he puffed.

I nodded, getting up from where I had been lying.

"You... you're bleeding. They shot you, " I mumbled, my eyes focused on his arm the whole time. I glanced at him, to find him still studying me.

When he didn't reply, I continued," We need to-  you need to go to the hos- "

"No. Don't bother, " he deadpanned and started stepping back.

I watched him walk away. Too traumatized to do anything, I just stood there, dumbfounded unable to shout even a thanks to his retreating form.


Good day readers!

What's up?

So who is this mysterious guy who just saved Leah's life ?

And like I always say please hit that little star, it helps us writers alot.

Also comment what you think happens next and share Mania with your friends.

That'll be it for now



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