11. Escape

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My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I looked at the folded paper and then back at her. She nodded once again encouraging me to take the paper. I slowly took it from her hands and unfolded it. The paper was covered in words and letters scribbled all over it. Raising an eyebrow, I glanced at her once more before reading it,


There are things I wanted you to know since day 1. Writing everything down was the only option I had since no one is allowed to talk to you. Just flush this paper away, once you've read it.

Remember you asked me why I worked for D.S? Well, It's not by choice. I'm forced to be the way I am. I wasn't always like this, though. There was a time, I lived happily with my husband and a daughter, Claire. My husband used to work for D.S but after Claire was born he decided to quit and come home for good. D.S started threatening him but he didn't listen. We moved to Pennsylvania for a fresh start.

D.S found us. He killed my husband and took Claire with him. She was only three at that time. One week later, he called, threatening me to come to Cleveland or else he'd kill Claire. I have been working for D.S since then. Claire's been with him for past three years and I only get to see her once a week.

To the world he is a rich business man. A lie, obviously. D.S runs a vicious gang 'Detkinn'. I've tried a lot of times to atleast get Claire out of here, but somehow he is always aware of the next move.

He likes to see people weak, people crying and begging for mercy. It's totally sick, I know. Anything that becomes a threat to him or his work, he brings it here. This place is like the torture center where he freely tortures and eventually kills the innocent.

With you, however, it was all different. None of the old rules were followed while you were here.  Infact you're the first one to stay this long in here, the first one to have the basic necessities (the previous ones were left to starve), the first one allowed to call him by his first name, and the first one he himself has named. D.S doesn't go around naming people. Why he calls you Macy, I have no idea.

Seeing the treatment you've gotten so far, I knew you were of some importance to him. And as harsh as it may seem, I wanted to hurt you to get back at him. He wants to keep you alive so I thought I could kill you and take revenge for all the pain he's brought in my life. But I can't, Leah. I am a mother and I'd give ANYTHING to see my daughter grow older.

The fact that he treats you differently doesn't mean he'll be gentle with you. He'll be more cruel when it comes to torturing you. He'll try new tricks. You're like a feast to him and he'll enjoy every single moment causing you pain. I know him. So I decided I'll help you get out of here.
He'll be returning tomorrow so we don't have much time. Your eight minutes of toilet is all we've got. I have everything planned out, just be ready tonight when I come to take you.

I know D.S is strong. He is extremely powerful and has this obsession of owning everything, but you're strong too, Leah. I've seen the courage in you and I wish I was strong enough to stand upto him. Don't let him break you. Don't let him see your weak points. What he has planned for you is worse than the previous ones. I don't want to see you getting hurt. I want you to live and find happiness for yourselves. You deserve better. Everyone does.

Best of luck, Leah.

I was gob-smacked to say the least.

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