Chapter 1: A Talk

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Jack's POV

Could today be anymore boring. All day its been raining and I've been unable to get on the internet because WiFi was out. Recording was out of the question I've finished all my recording for today. I tapped on my desk bored out of my mind. Then I heard my phone go off. At first I thought it was just another notification for Instagram but I decided to check it anyways. A smile appeared on my face when I saw it was a text from my best friend Mark. 

Markimoo- Hey Jackaboy

I couldn't help but smile when I read it. I know it was so simple and feels like there's a hidden message in this one. I decided to reply to him. Hell what do I have to lose right? I am bored out of my mind.

Jackaboy- Hey Markimoo

Markimoo- Whatcha up too?

Jackaboy- Nothing at all

Markimoo- Aww so texting me doesn't count for something

I couldn't help but laugh at the last message he sent me. That's a good one there. I didn't know if I should continue the conversation after all he might be busy himself and I can find something to do on my own. Until I gotten another message from him.

Markimoo- Skype?

Jackaboy- Wifi's down

I didn't get a response after that. I was a bit worried but I just assumed he was busy so I just shrugged it off. Of course it was a bit strange for him to just vanish like that without a word but I didn't really mind.

~time skip to next day~

WiFi is back and I couldn't be happier about that. Now I can get on the Internet and record some good PC games. As I got onto my computer I suddenly got a Skype call.

Markimoo is calling...

I smiled when I saw that its that silly goober so I answered it in a heartbeat. As I did the image of the gorg- wait what? What am I thinking?!? This man is my best friend I can't think that.

"Hello Jackaboy"

His deep voice rang in my ears snapping me out of my stupid thoughts.

"Booper Dooper"

"That's your famous line isn't it?"

"Ya know you love it Mark"

"Of course I do, its you"

He seemed to be hesitant about something. Like he wanted to say something but was afraid too.

"Something bothering you?"

My question seemed to go right over his head. It was like he was miles away somewhere else.

"Mark ye there lad?"

I made my Irish accent thicker trying to see if it'll get his attention but still to no avail.

"Mark, earth to mark. Snap out of it"

I snapped my fingers after I said that and it seemed he finally came back to reality. He snapped his head up with a start and shook it a bit.

"Heh...sorry man, I zoned out"

"You had me worried Mark"

I laughed a bit and his smile suddenly faded. I quickly stopped laughing and looked right at him. His face was stern and serious and the color seemed to fade. We were both just staring at each other except he had an emotionless look on his face and I had a worried look on mine. 


He trailed off and I became worried. Like VERY worried about him.

"I have to ask you something."

"What is it?"


He seemed stuck on his words. As if they were there but didn't want to come out. I tilted my head because now he was a nervous wreck. He knows he doesn't have to be like that with me right? Maybe its something important and he doesn't know how to word it.

"Jack...will you, no....can you, ugh that's not right either"

It was like he was arguing with him out loud. Is something wr-


I jumped when he shouted that out. It was so unexpected and I wasn't ready for that. His face pale after that.


I just couldn't hold back my smile after what he said sunk into my brain.

"Of course I'll come visit you ya goober"

His face lit up and a bright smile appeared. It looked he was a kid on Christmas morning. I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"I already bought your ticket and did all that. You just have to pack up. Your flight leaves tomorrow"

"Wow Mark what a notice"

I said sarcastically I really didn't mind but Mark needs to give me more of a notice next time. I guess he just really wanted to see me is all.

"what time"

"5 p.m."

"Okay I'll see you"

"See you too"

I hung up the call and chuckled. That man always does the craziest things to get what he wants. I wonder if he has a plan. I shrugged and starting preparing for the trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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