You Baby!

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"Ahhhhhhh." My best friend August yells. "It wasn't even that scary August you baby." I laugh hitting her with a pillow. "You're going to wake up my little sister." "You picked the movie, you know I scare easy Macenzie!" She whisper yells hitting me back. "Ow. You hit hard for a little thing." I say teasing her. "Haha so funny not everyone can be perfect like you." "Perfect? Me? No sweetie you have the wrong person. I'm 5'3, chubby but skinny, and social but shy at the same time." I say laughing. "Yeah but at least your comfortable with yourself. I'm not. I wish I was like Jessica." Jessica Dawson is a perfect blonde girl who is the perfect height and super hot. She's the most popular girl at North Kimberly High. (Our highschool in Wyoming.) "Jessica is a bitch. She's rude to everyone who doesn't worship her and bullies anyone who talks about her. Sure she's pretty but her attitude ruins it." I tell her. "Yeah I guess. Can we watch something funny so I don't have nightmares?" "Of course. What else would we do!?" I ask nudging her and laughing. We snuggled together and fell asleep to Sponge Bob.

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