The Mall

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After getting ready August, August's mom, and I drove to the Mall. August's mom, Barbra dropped us off, she said something came up at work and they needed her. Barbra is a lawyer so she gets called in and works a lot. August says she doesn't mind but I know it bugs her. Her dad left when she was seven so her mom not being around and her dad no longer in the picture she gets lonely. And she fills that hole of loneliness with an endless line of guys. I feel bad for her but it's her way of coping. I love her but she kind of lost sight of whats important.

"Macenzie. Macenzie!" August yelled waving her hand in my face, breaking my train of thought. "What?" I question. "You spaced out. What were you thinking about?" "Nothing really, were you going to try on that dress?" I asked changing the subject. "Um... I don't know. Should I?" "Yeah I think it would look great on you." "Fine but then I get to pick something for you to try on." August said with a lot of enthusiasm. I just shook my head yes. As she walked in the changing room the most beautiful man walked by. He was carefully crafted by the gods, this man had no flaws. I swear if you looked up flawless his picture would be right here looking perfect and handsome. And I did what every normal sixteen year old girl would do, I took a picture. But of course the flash was on. Freaking hell. Why me. Just why me and now he's walking this way.

"Excuse me were you just taking picture's of me?" The beautiful man asked. And I did the only thing I felt was smart I played dumb. "Um nope. I don't take pictures of random people." "Then why did I see a flash of light this way? I could swear it came from your phone too." God freaking flapjacks where's August when you need her. f44

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