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6 years later
Amber and Nicole are 6 years old and in grade 2.
"Come on amber I need you to hurry up!"
"Sorry mommy I'm coming"
"Nicole are you ready to go?"
"Yes mommy I'm putting on my shoes!"
"Ok when your done put on your jacket sweetie"
Olivia walked up to ambers room and looked around and couldn't find her?
"Ya mommy."
It was a mumble, she was In the closet.
I opened the door and she was sitting there still on her pjs.
"Amber come on sweetie we need to get ready!!"
She started to cry
"Oh honey what's wrong?"
"I don't want go to school no one liked me in grade one and no one is going to like me here."
She started to cry even more then before, then Nicole called me.
"Mommy I'm ready!"
"Ok sweetie I'm coming soon"
"Ok amber you get dressed and I will go to school with you? Does that sound god?!."
She wiped away her tears and got up and  got dressed.
I walked down stairs and did up Nicole's jacket and put on tv until amber was ready.
5 minutes later.
Amber came down the stairs looking beautiful.
"Okay girls lets go to the car."
At the school.
"Hi I'm Olivia barba amber and Nicole's mom and I was hoping I could stay here for a little."
"Ya of course!"
I stayed for a little then went to work.
1 week later
I didnt feel like walking up I felt nauseous and fat and sweaty.
I felt this way when I was pregnant with Nicole and amber.
Oh crap I think I'm pregnant....

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