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Cry's pov
"No no no nononononono. This can't be happening."

I felt like screaming, crying, doing something! But all I could do was look at the blood covered bite mark on Felix's wrist. I felt like I couldn't breath. My entire world was spinning and I couldn't think straight. Felix grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little.

"Cry, don't worry. I'm fine," he said surprisingly calm.

"No you're not Felix! YOU'RE FUCKING BIT!" I screamed. He shook his head slightly before looking at me with a small smile.

"I know but that doesn't matter okay. I'm going to be okay. The only proplem I have is to stop the bleeding," He said calmly.

"THAT WON'T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU'RE GOING TO TURN YOU IDIOT!" I screamed. I didn't want to loose him and I was going to and all he could say was don't worry?

"Cry! Shut up and listen will you!" He said sternly. I froze, unable to say anything anymore. The seriousness on his face made everything within me stop.

"Felix?" Russ asked after a moments silence. Tears ran down my face as I stared into his icey blue eyes.

"I'm immune," He whispered.

"What? How do you know?" Ken asked.

"It was a while back. A few weeks after this all started. I... I got bit but I didn't want to leave Marzia. I told her I'd ride it out. Get her to safety first. We'd seen people turn. We'd seen what the bites do but... I didn't turn. No fever, hallucinations, nothing. I was fine," Felix said, rolling up his pants and showing the scar of a bite on his ankle.

"You can't turn," I whispered. He looked up at me sadly.

"Not from a bite no. But if I die I can come back as one. Fairly sure at least," he said with a shrug. I pulled him into a hug and held back a sob. I couldn't break infront of everyone. Not now.

"I thought you were going to die," I whispered quietly. Felix's grip tightened and I tried to stop my tears but it didn't work.

"Cry? Are you... crying?" Russ asked. I took a quick breath and stopped myself.

"Rather ironic don't ya think," I chuckled quietly. "Cry crying."

"You didn't answer my question," Russ pushed. I decided to change the topic all together.

"How did you even get bit?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"I was helping Russ with something. I can't remember what though...," Felix trailed off, falling silent suddenly.

"He was helping me clean up in here. Scott wanted it clear so we had more space," Russ finished. I nodded to him but didn't take my eyes off Felix.

"Are you okay?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. He swayed slightly and alost looked drunk, just civered in blood.

"I f-feel dizzy," I stuttered slightly.

"What's going on?" Red's voice called out. I turned around to see her in the enrance.

"Felix got bit. But he said he's immune to the bites. He said he feels dizzy," Russ said quickly.

"Oh god," Red said, rushing forward and grabbing Felix's head and wrist. "Are you feeling okay Felix?"

"You look hot without your mask on Cry baby boo," Felix said in a drunk kind of matter.

"Wait what?" Red asked, turning to me. I played dumb and shrugged my shoulders.

"You know. I bet you look great without a shirt on," Felix continued. I blushed so fucking much.

"Felix stop. You don't know what you're saying," I tried to stop him.

"Oh I know exactly what I'm saying. You're eyes are fucking amazing. The light blue mixing with the dark shadows is just... breathtaking. I bet you look better in the light," Felix said, reaching forward.

"Felix!" I snapped, leaning away from him quickly. He fell ontop of me and landed on my chest. He didn't try anything else besides shaking his head a little. He looked up and grabbed his bleeding head.

"Don't... let me... pass out...," He said tirely. Red looked at me and I nodded. I quickly moved to help him up and lifted him up bridal style. His bleeding arm fell limp across his chest while the other hung around my neck.

"That gash on his head and the blood loss is making him say things he doesn't mean. Or at least not out loud," Red said, looking at me. I shook my head and turned to Russ and Ken.

"How did he hit his head?" I asked them calmly.

"Ah, he hit it on the metal bar over there. The zombie attacked him and he tripped. Nearly fell unconscious too. That's why he got bit. Because he was too dazed to think or see straight," Russ said quickly. Red nodded and motioned us to hurry.

We ran back to the house and I rushed Felix to our room, laying him gently in the bed. Red came in shortly after with her medical equipment. She made everyone but me leave the room.

"Felix, can you hear me still?" She asked. Felix nodded but looked barely conscious.

"What do we do?" I asked. I felt completely blank. I couldn't think of anything that I could do to help him.

"I need you to wrap this rag around his hand and keep pressure on it. Keep talking to him and make sure he doesn't pass out. I'm going to stitch up his head so if he starts moving hold him down," Red said quickly. It took a moment to sink in before I quickly did as told.

"What he said before was true wasn't it. You showed him your face," Red said quietly when I returned. I looked at her in silence before continuing with Felix's wrist without saying a word. She sighed and started with Felix's head.

"Be careful with him. Keep him safe. He seems to get himself in quite a lot of trouble since he arrived," Red said quietly. I looked up at her and opened my mouth to object but decided against it, replacing it with a nod instead.

"I'll try my best."

So... Felix is immune aye... that's nice.

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