Just a thought

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Have you ever just like become a glutton for being social?

Picture this:

•Being Antisocial
•Always in your room
•Scrolling through Tumblr/Wattpad
•You hardly ever go outside

You have friends but the amount of effort it takes to plan to meet with them or to work up the courage to say "Ay wanna hang out?" That and the fact that you've only been to family parties and one or two birthday parties from when you were like 10.

You get invited to a block party with friends and you actually have a fun time. Just that one smidgen of social interaction that had a good outcome and you're hooked. And you wanna hang out with them more

But your anxiety makes you worry that you're being too clingy or a free loader or just plain annoying..

But deep inside you crave that social interaction and wish for more but you just DONT KNOW?!

Just a thought....

*this probably doesnt make sense and maybe its not supposed to but it is just fleeting a thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
**i am also very tired

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