Jane The Killer

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what you need
Red pen or Red lipstick
(only these thing if any thing else it won't work)
A bathroom and bring a mirror that you don't mind breaking or writing on
you do need the bathroom mirror for your reflection
a family photo that you have
matches or lighter

what you need to do
Go to the bathroom with the red pen or lipstick
write on the mirror don't go to sleep and draw a large smiley face beside it

Take out your family photo and burn it with the match or lighter

The bathroom with get colder than usual and when it does, by the bathroom you with see her right
behind you. Along with jane the killer with you now, you must show her respect and she will respect you.
Otherwise she will kill you and show no mercy to you by disrespecting her. When she said goodbye even if you disrespect her or not she will kill you.

Aother way of summoning her

What you need

Empty house (2 story and and above building)

What you need to do

Go into the house with the, go to the second floor, turn off all the light. Lay the human on the floor on where the moonlight shine. When the sacrifice lays down, light the match and set the human on fire. Use another match and light the candle. Hold the candle under the your chin and chant '' Jane the killer, I mock my torture. Jane the killer, may you come over ''

Then, someone will be behind you

''How dare you mock my torture?!'' If your ture around you will be stab in the face or if you don't turn around you will be stab in the back.

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