Laughing Jack

1K 18 15

What you need

Without carnival


What to do
Listen to pop goes the weasel 1x

Listen to Kevin McCloud pop goes the weasel remix 1x or 2x

Listen to come little children with laugher at the end 3x

Then go to sleep and if you can't go to sleep wait till your barely wake then do it

Just to let you know if you keep repeating this he might come out of your dream. You might get rainbow Jack but do not remind him of Issac. If you do i wish you the best. But if he will show you him and Isaac playing but that's very rare.
Good luck
Come little children

Pop goes the weasel

With Carnival

Go to a carnival (it can be abandoned). Stand looking up the the sky. Hold your hands outs and close your eyes  then say laughing jack 5x then run/drive or whatever you have and go hame
he stalk you before giving you candy

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