Let's introduce

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These are all important characters

Name: Caecum Ivana Amores
Age: 16
Wolf: Spiritus
Hair Color(s): White blond
Eye color(s): Entire eyeball is white
Height: 172cm
Hair color(s) Wolf: Red, with black spots on an ear, eye, tip of the tail and paws
Eye color(s) Wolf: Poisonous green with amber like spots
Mate: Has yet to be found

Name: Caleo Amores
Age: 24
Wolf: Duke
Hair color(s): Golden Blond
Eye color(s): Midnight Blue
Height: 189cm
Hair color(s) Wolf: black with red spots on the back, chest and tummy
Eye color(s) Wolf: Hellish blue
Mate: Lillian (22)

Name: Duncan Leylester
Age: 23
Wolf: Ryder
Hair color(s): Pitch black
Eye color(s): chestnut red
Height: 190cm
Hair color(s) Wolf: Black with an white chest
Eye color(s) Wolf: Emerald Green
Mate: Has yet to be found

Name: Lillian Amores-Everdeen
Age: 22
Wolf: Faith
Hair color(s): Brown with an red bang in front of her left eye
Eye color(s): Chocolate brown
Height: 168cm
Hair color(s) Wolf: Chocolate brown
Eye color(s) Wolf: Beige-like brown
Mate: Caleo (24)

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