Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to The Birthday Boys

"Hayley! Time for Supper!"

"Coming Dad!"

Hayley snapped one more picture of the Blue Jay, then gathered her things to go inside their small, shabby, house she called home.

It was small, but it was fine for two people. Hayley, her dad, and of course her cat, Nibbles. Yet no one more...

Just how Hayley wanted it to be.

It was a cottage style home. The kind you see in those fairytales, with a rock chimney and an antique look to it. Something you could picture 7 dwarves and Snow White living in. It has brown trims on the windows and beams, and the house itself was a tannish color. The chimney was assorted with different colors of rock. A very cute looking home and It would be movie-quality, if it wasn't so old, rickety, and run down. For example, the paint was cracking in places, moss and vines grew like wildfire along the walls, the screens on windows and the back sliding door were torn, and the grass was overgrowing. It almost seemed like they had a prairie in their own back yard.

Hayley walked through the front door and into the 'multi-purpose room.' Directly in front of her was the sofa, along with an old TV set. On the wall to her right was a large double sided Oak Bookcase overfilling with books. On the left side of the room, a small kitchen with a small window was emanating a delicious aroma of food. the smell drew Hayley to the small table for two, with a plate of Spaghetti was waiting for her, AND one LESS meatball...

"Nibbles get your own food!" Hayley swatted at the cat who was licking it's lips in satisfaction.

Nibbles meowed in protest and jumped off the table, knocking over Hayley's milk. Her father had always stressed the importance of Milk for Breakfast and Dinner.

"Stupid Cat," Hayley muttered.

She grabbed a napkin and wiped up the mess. When she looked up, she found her father feeding Nibbles more Meatballs.

"Traitor!" Hayley yelled.

Her father chuckled and they sat down to eat, after giving the cat one more meatball.

"So how's your picture taking coming along?' Her father asked.

"Great! I just need a picture of a Dove and I should be done with the City's Animals. Then I'll move on to the City's landscape, like the Park, Downtown, the Woods, and perhaps the Open Meadows?" Hayley replied.

"How about school?"

"Umm... Everything is fine. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, you seem so focused on your Photography, you haven't been really social... Maybe you should make some friends..."

"I'm fine," Hayley said flatly and stood up. She rinsed off her plate and went to her room.


Hayley's room was dim. The open window was covered with thin, gray curtains as a gentle cool breeze flowed inside. The Musty lavender colored walls were covered with pictures Hayley had taken over the years. Hayley's twin sized bed had plain black blankets, and her drawer was cluttered with vintage trinkets and books.

Another thing Hayley enjoyed: reading an writing.

Words calmed her down, and she loved reading novels, and writing fantasies. Her desk was even full of books, papers, and pictures, plus her Canon camera and Windows laptop to prove it.

Hayley plopped herself on the bed, crumpling the previously smoothened blankets and picked up her silver iPod to scroll through her music.

Why does he seem so focused on me getting friends? Hayley thought.

I don't know, maybe 'cause you're 17, in your Junior year in High School, and have like NO friends. Not even a guy you like, her mind thought.

Shut up, Hayley thought back.

Great, now she was having a mental conversation with herself.


No wonder why her father wanted her to make friends...

Hayley clicked on her favourite band, Coldplay. Their new song, 'Magic,' came on.

Soon, Hayley found herself drifting to sleep.





Alright, so I want some opinions.

I started writing this randomly, like seriously, OUT OF THE BLUE I started writing this...

What do ya'll think?

Should I continue??

Leave a Comment!!!



And it had been brought to my Attention by one of my friends that HAYLEY and HAVOLYNNE both start the same.... I WAS NOT PLANNING THAT WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!

It was just the first name to pop in my head and I went for it....





COMMENT what you think!!! :)

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