Chapter 5

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Hayley shut the door and went in her room to put down her stuff.

Nibbles decided he wanted to be inside so he sat against the screen door Meowing constantly until he was let in.

Glancing at her alarm clock, it read 2:30.

She had 3 hours to clean this house and find a place for supper to be held.

Hayley sighed and scrolled through her music. She plugged the cord into her iPod that connected it to the stereo.

'Gold' by Sir Sly was the first one to play. Hayley danced around the house, singing along and cleaning.

Songs varied from 'Afraid' by the Neighbourhood, to 'Pompeii' by Bastille to 'Come with me Now' by the Kongos.

In two hours of singing, dancing, and cleaning, Hayley finished all the house, except her room.

"It could wait," Hayley shrugged.

Hayley pondered about where they were even going to eat. It wasn't like they would all fit around the tiny table for 2. Then Hayley realized: How many were coming?

"Dad?" She called out. "Dad! DAD!?!"

No response.


She had already prepared lasagna and her father put it in the oven, yet now he was no where to be found, as the scent of the pasta began to fill the air.

After thoroughly inspecting the house and yard, Hayley picked up the house phone and dialed her father's cell.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

No answer.

"Where did he go off to?" Hayley whispered.

She dialed Ms. Meriwether.

Maybe she was with her father?

Ms. Meriwether shut down that idea, she had no clue either.

"Gosh darn it, where IS he!" Hayley exclaimed.

She looked at the time.


"UGH!" Hayley scoffed and went to her room. Might as well dress up a little! Hayley was pretty sure having a dinner with rich neighbors while wearing old clothes wouldn't make a good first impression.

Hayley kept her black jeans, for there was no need to change them: the were still clean. She exchanged her tee for a pearly white, ruffled, sleeveless blouse. She put on the only jewelry she had: diamond earrings and a matching locket. One of the few things her mother left behind.

It was 5:05 and still no sign of her father.

The doorbell rang. Hayley rushed to answer it.

"There you a--" Hayley stopped short once she saw who it was.

Hell no, this could not be happening.

She slammed the door shut before he could explain.

How did he find her?







The banging on the door finally stopped.

Good riddance!

Minutes later, of course, the door flew open, with her dad holding a large wooden table big enough to fit 6 people around.

"Help me with this would you?" her father asked, not noticing the shock Hayley was in.

"It won't fit with the small table in the way! Move it Hayley!" he barked.

Hayley moved the small table and two chairs, and put it on the back porch.

She decided to keep Nibbles outside since she didn't want anything unexpected to happen, since random things tended to happen around the darn cat...

Hayley went back inside, closing the sliding door behind her. She watched as her father adjusted the table, and new sets of chairs he had just brought in.

"Where did you get the money to buy this?" Hayley asked.

"I saw it at a flea market and bargained a deal on it. He sold it for $100, and it's solid oak table, and 6 oak chairs. The seller was a fool."

"Dad, you shouldn't spend money on stuff we don't need. We could've bought a plastic table."

"Bah! It was a good deal none the less!"

"Whatever Dad, I'll leave you to set the table while I'll prepare a side salad and drinks," Hayley turned to the kitchen.


She took out the lasagna and set it on pot holders to cool. Hayley washed her hands and tossed a salad, mixing the lettuce with carrots, tomatoes, unions, cucumbers, and bits of cheese. She tossed in some cranberries and apples as well.

Her father had finished setting the table, and changed into a nice dress shirt and slacks.

He also let Nibbles in, as Hayley saw.

"Oh well," she sighed.


The second the clock turned 5:30, the doorbell rang.

Very punctual, Hayley noted.

Hayley wiped her hands on the wash rag. She checked to make sure her dad was all good to go and the table was set, quite nicely rather too. Hayley motioned for her father to light some candles and headed to open the door.


"Hello," Hayley smiled at the Neighbor man from earlier. Hayley's dad stepped behind her, and rested a hand on her shoulder

"Hello Hayley, hello Mr. Williams.  This is..."

Hayley tensed.

"... My son Ryan."

"Hey Hayley," Ryan grinned.

Hayley's insides crumbled.


The world just really hated her, didn't it?








How many of ya'll saw that one coming???

I guess it WAS pretty obvious.....


Tell me what you guys think...


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