✒ three

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The next day, I woke up later than usual, causing me to do my daily routine five times faster and run like there's no tomorrow to school.

Even after all the efforts that I have done, I still arrived late at my class, resulting me to attend the one hour detention.

Damn it. I was planning to find you today. Aish.

After all of my classes have ended, I directly went to the detention room. The teacher in charge gave me a paper. I sat on the last seat, window side. My favorite place.

A few minutes later, a pair of thin, soft hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who."

My body stiffened, thoughts clouded my mind. I knew that it was you. The rose scent, soft skin, mellifluous soft voice. Sigh, it was too obvious.

"Jimin, you're no fun."

You said as you retreated your hands from me and took the seat beside me. I was still stiff, not knowing what to do, especially that you're beside me.

"So, why are you here?"

You asked, breaking the tension between us. I mean, just me.

"Uh.. I woke up late."

I replied while fidgeting my fingers.

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