✒ five

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One minute left.


The bell ringed signaling me to chill the fuck out. My fingers have been fidgeting and my heart's jumping up and down since the start of the last class.

I stood up and walk towards Jungkook, telling him that I'll have to go now.

He was about to say something but paused and eyed me from top to bottom.

Oh good God Jungkook, we're in public.

"Fix yourself first hyung."

I looked at my appearance, only to find out a tucked out polo and messy hair look. Oops, my bad. Sorry Jungkook.

"Ah, thanks. I'll make sure to fix myself before going to her. Bye bro."

I said as we exchanged a manly hug. I walked out of the classroom and went straight to the comfort room.

Should I gel up my hair?

Should I leave it be?

Should I just comb it?

What would you like?

Ah, whatever. I'll just comb it and fix my clothes. After I did, I went straight to your classroom. Your class was still going on, making me practice some lines and "moves"

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