An Update on life for you peeps!

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Yes, my summer has started.  I'm stuck here doing nothing  for now of the time, but I'll probably go swimming a lot...
My dad wants to take a trip to the Davis mountains to hike and stuff lol...
so that should be fun.

My nana, if you guys don't know, had stage two breast cancer, and she got it removed. In order to make sure it is all gone, she has been doing  chemotherapy. Unfortionately,  she is going to loose all of her hair.
I cut most of my hair off in support of her, but I'm thinking of going bald with her so we can do this together.
I've been taking care of her the most out of my family due to me being young and strong in their eyes (lol, mostly cuz I have a more broad body and played football.) A lot I my other family taking care of her is older and have problems with their knees or back.
Hopefully the cancer won't come back, and my nana can kick cancer's aft!

Thanks for listening to my random update on life!

Oh, and yes, the next update for
The Misadventure of an Overly Obsessed Transfan, To This Day, and all my other stories will be done soon!

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