3- Comfort

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"Natsu, stop."

My hope vanishes, and dread washes through me.


And then it's clear, and I don't see Lucy. Erza stands above me.


Sadness fills her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Natsu. She's gone."

I can feel the walls closing in. It's getting harder to breathe, and I'm gasping for air.

I have to get out. I need to leave.

I can't handle this. I can't deal with this pain. It's too much. It's all too much.

"No! I can't! She can't! Why?"

And then I feel arms go around me, and for just a second, I think it's her.

Her here to comfort me. To tell me it's alright. That she'll always be here.

But it's not.

"She saved us all, Natsu. She was so brave."

My breath halts as her voice cracks, and I feel the wet drops of fresh tears fall on to my back.

"She asked a favor of me, Natsu."

Time stops.

"Her last words to me were to protect you, Natsu. Sh-she asked me to take care of you on h-her behalf."

Her words shake me to the very core. In some of her final moments, that was her request. It only makes the pain even more unbearable.


"Yes, Natsu."

"What happened?"

Her body tenses up, as if reliving the memories.

"Our magic didn't affect him at all. We had all lost hope, and Lucy was holding me. Then, she looked at me right in the eyes, said goodbye, and made her final request."

"To take care of me."

"Yes. She got up, and walked to him. We all yelled at her, begged her to stop, but she didn't."

She pauses, taking a shaky breath.

"It was a spell. One of light. She shone so bright, Natsu. But, by the time the light disappeared, Acnologia was gone, and so was she."

She saved everyone. She died protecting them. If I hadn't left her side. If I stuck with her...I should have stayed with her.

"She was so strong. So much stronger than anyone could have ever known, Natsu."

"I've always known she was strong. She's the one who didn't know it."

"Well, she finally realized how strong she is, Natsu."

She's so strong. But, if I had been there she wouldn't be... she wouldn't be gone.

"She's gone, Erza. She's really gone!"

"No, Natsu. She'll always be with us. She'll always be in our hearts."

We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. The only sound of our sniffles.

She pulled away from me, and wiped her eyes.

"I'll leave you alone for a little bit, Natsu."

And then I was alone in the silence.

All I've lost(Nalu short)Where stories live. Discover now