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She just sat up from her reading chair she bought online two years ago, when she heard a clirring noise from downstair. Coming from the kitchen? She thought and went down the stairs to take a look. A rat? Or a stray cat? But as she turned on the light nothing changed except the broken glass lying on the floor. "Just a rat...", she murmured and threw away the shattered glass in the garbage. As she looked at the time she was suprised how late it was and went up again to get ready for bed. While brushing her teeth she heard footstep on her oldfashioned creaking floor.

"Hello?", she asked in the darkness but no awnser.

"Am I getting crazy?"

Nothing else happened that evening as she lay down to sleep. The next day in school a colleague asked her if she could stay a little longer to do some important... documents reading? She was confused. "Why aren't you doing it?", she asked but he smiled with a big Sorry on his face and responded with an excuse which a student in middle school could do better. But in the end she did it. But she wasn't aware of staying almost till midnight. "Next time he'll do it by himself" Suddenly... there again was the tapping noise of shoes in the hallway as if someones creaking out of the dark. Unable to see. Waiting for someone it can scare of. Without hesitation the young teacher went out on the hallway with a flashlight in her hand and yelled: "It's past closing time. Whoever you are you are not allowed being in the school building. Go home." But no respond. The footstep stopped. The light won't work in the night, the caretaker told her before going home. After that she was supposed to be the only person here. "I'm just tired. Let's finish this and then go home." She didn't dare to turn around to look what those disturbing noises are as she tried reading the documents. After time they got louder and more specific. Someone is here. She was sure of it and terrified. Sometimes she even hears the soft music of a music box from far away laying in the hallway.

She couldn't stand it anymore and phoned the colleague from before. In her british accent she whispered: "H-hello?... It's me." She swallowed her fear. "It probably sounds dumb but I... I feel like being watched by someone. I-I don't know what to do." Goosepumps crawled up her spine as she heared the monoton sound of the phone voice. Your phone partner is not available right now. Please call them later or leave a message after the tute. Her body is frozen still. The cool air in her neck coming from the open window... When did I open the window?, she asked herself turning her head towards the open armend trees. But there was nothing. The music box stopped. But then started again but this time it's louder and a high pitched voice sung a little lullaby. Overwhelmed with fear she phoned the police begging them in tears to get her out of her but...

Nobody awnsered.

"What a pitty story about an unnamed girl crying for help. But nobody cared and awnsered her screaming call of help. What happened you ask? Nobody knows. Not even herself. Lying on her bed staring at the ceiling with terrified widen eyes. Not speaking. Not responding to anything.
Poor little Miss unnamed girl."

Poetrys and shitWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt