Sam - He Cheats

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So this is base when sam and Colby lived back at the apartments in Hollywood.

Sam Golbach your boyfriend , the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ask for , the most kind and caring human being possibly alive......

Atleast that what you thought......


You had been planning to surprise sam for a few weeks now as you know how hard he's been working on all his video etc, you were gonna go to the apartment before he got home and cook him dinner and watch movies with him but he didn't know.

You grabbed some food for dinner from trader joes and made your way inside the building, just as you got into the lift Colby run in there , to while the lift goes out you chat and laugh with him, you walk to the apartment and go in , Colby calls out for sam to see if he's home.

You both stop dead in you track when you hear moaning coming from Sam's room, you storm over to sam room and Colby followed, the door swings open to find sam in bed with another girl.

You couldn't say anything, you just started to cry, Colby was so angry.

"Sam what the hell!?" He says trying to grab you as you run out the apartment.

Sam looks shocked and guilty as hell. He gets up and grabs pants and clothes, he tells the girl to get her stuff and leave.

Colby run off to find you, you didn't get far just around the corner from the apartments, he caught up with you and pulled you in for a tight hug, shortly after sam come running over

"YN I'm so sorry, she doesn't mean anything to me I promise" he said apologetically

You were so angry

" how could do that to me, I loved you so much I would have just in front of a bullet for you, and you do this to me" you say tearing up

"YN please I'll do anything just please don't leave me" he says with tears in his eyes

He steps forward to try take your hand it you step back and colby steps in front of you

" No sam you messed up big time, you.. broke.. my... heart, its over I don't want to see you again" you say turning away

Sam goes to grab you arm but Colby grab him

"Dude don't your make it worse " Colby says sternly

Sam starts to cry

"I'm so sorry YN" He stand defeated

" Good bye sam" you say as you turn and walk away from him

Colby took you home and made sure you were okay.

Sam Golbach and took your heart and rip it in too, you just wanted to be around your friends and your best friend.

Sam and Colby + Household Imagines (Requests are Closed!!)Where stories live. Discover now