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Its just a poem.

The reason why
By: S

All my life
People call me things
And the things they say cut deeper than the raser I used
To numb the pain
That they
They call me ugly
Now I can't look in the mirror without wanting
To cry
They call me fat
And that is why I only eat
Once a day
If even that
I've stop cutting
But the scars still remain reminding me of the pain
The pain that I hide
The pain that's inside
My mom thinks I have anorexia my best friend thinks so too
It might be true
I still hurt myself just to know I'm still
I use the pain I feel
To know I'm still real
Its hurt
Not the fiscally
But mentally
The names they called me
And the ones they
Still do
They hurt me
But I don't let it show
I cover it all up with a fake smile
And nobody know
Nobody cares
And know one will
And if that isn't true
Then why don't
They care
These right here if it isn't clear
These are the reasons why


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