Time's History - Part One: Hermione

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It was a warm day when Hermione travelled up to Professor Dumbledore's office. She was there to see him about an object that was going to help her take the classes she needed to become a First Rate Auror.

"Lemon sherbert", she said to the statue and it jumped aside, while a staircase twisted into view. She climbed to the top and found the professor pulling an object out of a gilded golden box.

"Welcome back Ms. Granger, please take a seat." As she sat, Dumbledore walked over and sat at the edge of his desk, just opposite her. "First, I received an owl that you were accepted into the a very special course of lessons this year, congratulations."

"Thank you."

"I am entrusting you with a special tool", he holds out a golden necklace. An odd looking pendant hung from it's center. Upon inspection, it was an hourglass, centered in a miniature gyroscope.

"What is it?"

"A Time Turner. It allows a wizard to go back and forth in time. This Hermione, will allow you to re-visit parts of the day... so that you may take classes that overlap with your current schedule."

"That is brilliant."

"Yes" Dumbledore did not seem to share her entrancement. "Every motion and act, no matter how small or private, effects the outcome of events. What materializes as a reality, is the physical form of those acts."

"I am afraid I don't understand Professor? Do you mean to say, that turning back time can jeopardize the very moment I decided to turn back time? Would I cease to exist?"

"Yes and no Hermione" Professor Dumbledore crouches a little lower to look deeper into her eyes "this time turner is here by no mere accident. You see, it is perhaps the oldest magical trinket known to exist."

"It must be priceless" Hermione holds it out for the professor but he waves it away.

"You may use it as you see fit" he walks back behind his desk.

"It's real danger has been long removed." Hermione could not help to gasp not only at the history, but the beauty of the intricate golden time-turner.

"Professor, may I ask where this came from?"

"That Hermione is the story for today. It is a fascinating tale about a long forgotten race of wizards. You see, some time ago, I would say perhaps as long as four hundred thousand years ago, there existed a race, the Tawrokna. They were wizard explorers who had gleaned knowledge and spells from all over the world. Most Tawroknans studied in temples, or labored alongside other wizards to learn their ways and means. Then there was Noiro. Do you know who he was?"

Hermione jogged through her memories trying to associate the name with a story, but there was nothing. She remembered Nibo the circus magician, Nicor the wizarding bank founder. Dumberdore continued.

"Noiro was a nomad wizard who went around the world, learning his magic through duels. There was no man or woman who did not try their best against him and that is what made him stronger. He would remember all the spells cast at him and use these in future duels if they were truly deadly. It was a clever time wizard, Caidoz, that stepped in and corrected things. He had confronted the power crazed wizard and lost in a duel or so it seemed.

Armed with the time wizards spell, Nioro invented a time turner. Upon using it for the first time, he went insane. That is when Caidoz returned and completed the spell that took Noiro's life. The time turner was collected and placed into the archives of time, but the story does not end there. Many years later, closer to our present day, the time turner was stolen by a student named Forn, from the Gallum School of Withcraft and Wizardry. Under the deepest time enchantments of the most ancient magic, Forn knew where to go and what to look for. That was when it was realized, Forn was a Droogle."

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