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I really want Miriah to see the outside world. I also am starting to give into the voices. This is so stressful. Why did I choose to drown Miriah and I? Oh well. Maybe I should take Miriah with me to go see the supposive house on the hill.You know what? It's probably for the best if I do this anyway.

I swam over to where Miriah was. She was talking to herself again. I tapped her shoulder, and she turned around to face me. She gave me a giddy smile.

"Hey I was thinking,"I paused for a second,"We should go for a walk in the woods and maybe up the hill."

Miriah looked at me funny. She looked like she was deep in focus. I could tell she was debating a lot between herself. She unfocused and her eyes were filled with glee. She nodded reluctantly with excitement.

"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" She exclaimed in happiness.

"Whoa there cowgirl, we're not getting married here," I stated in a playful way.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me playfully, "Come on lets go!" She shouted and dragged us up to the surface.

When our heads got to the surface we saw no one around. We quickly swam to the quite shore. We pulled our selves out of the water and tried to stand. We wobbled and laughed for about ten minutes until we got back our strength.

Now Y/n got away from the town until you reach a really big hill.

I nodded and we set off into the woods. Miriah and I don't interact with any people but we like to tell each other stories of when we were little or discuss our old families. We talking about the scenery this time. The beautiful nature around us. When we get out of water our skin coloration goes back to normal and so does our blood color. Our eyes though? They go back to our color they were born with. Miriah has light blue eyes and I have e/c eyes.

We continued walking until Miriah tripped and fell over a rock. We laughed and then I reached down to pick her up. She looked at me. She stopped completely what she was doing.

"Oh my god, you were the insane girl in our town! You went missing!" She shouted.

I tried to ignore her comments.

"Miriah! Just get the fuck up!" I shouted.

She picked herself up and then we quietly trudged on. I eventually saw a really big hill. We decided to stop for a minute amd regain our breath. At the corner of my eye I saw a mauled up animal. I walked over to it and screamed. Its spinal cord was torn away from its head amd the skull was legit showing. As I regained my posture I saw three girls walking up the hill.

One girl had blonde hair and blue eyes. Another had had light brown hair and blue eyes and the last girl has brown hair and dark brown eyes. The last girl looked torn.

Y/n before you continue on grab the torn girl.

I nodded. It looked really easy. The other two girls were on their phones or what ever, while the brown eyes girl was looking at the scenery. I motioned Miriah to go and continue up the hill. I grabbed the girl from behind and covered her mouth.

Damn this girl is feisty. She clawed at my skin and grabbed at my hair. I finally found her pressure point in the elbow to knock her out. As she layed limp in my arms we continued walking up the hill. We heard shouts coming from the bottom. I was wide eyed and looked straight at Miriah. She saw the girl in my arms and then nodded we dashed up the hill. We looked around. There was no big house on the hill.

Y/n look at the trees.

I looked at all of the trees. I saw a bright red flash on these two trees so I ran over there. Miriah followed me from the behind. The girl was stirring so I leaped through the two trees. Miriah grabbed my hand and on the other side of the two trees we saw this huge four story Victorian mansion. It was very beautiful.

It looked creepy on the outside. The girl in my arms jumped and screamed. Miriah came from behind and hugged her limbs together. I reached out for her but she screamed at me.

I saw a flash of orange and yellow out of the corner of my eyes. The other thing is that Miriah had a blog white blob on top of her. The girl was pinned to a tree by dark grey. I see a blob of green rushing at me. I really must be insane. The girl we took started screaming. Miriah looked at me amd smirked. I laughed.

In an instant we used our hands and got to the pressure points of our captors amd pressed them. They both screamed in pain. Miriah and I were at each other sides in about three seconds. Of course until three seconds later when I was hit in the head with a rock. Damn rocks hurt. My vison was a little hazy but cleared off in ten seconds. I turned around and flipped off whomever hit me.

I saw a boy about my age dressed up as link. That explains the green blob now. He had black eyes with red irises. I've never seen someone with that before. His skin was a deadly pale kinda of like how mine and Miriah's looks. He had blonde hair. Then I saw his facial expression. He looked like he was eye raping me. This gave me shivers down my spine.

Ask to join them Y/n.

"Can my friend and I join you?" I asked him.

And your new proxy Y/n.

"And my proxy?" I continued.

The blonde's jaw dropped. The other people around us turned around and stared at us.

"Your proxy?" The link look-a-like asked.

A proxy is so.wine who does your dirty work
Y/n. Kind of like a personal assistant. We already brainwashed her. She knows everything about you and has experienced everything as well. Her name will not be spoken of.

"Yes, my proxy, can we join you?" I asked once again.

"Let's get you up to the operator," said a man in orange with a feminine mask on.

Then they dragged us inside the manor.

1097 WORDS

Hey guys oml so sorry for not updating this in like more than a month. Like really, really sorry. So I finally updated. Okie welp bub baiiiii!!!!!


Ben Drowned x Reader *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now