Can I Tell You Something?

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Can I tell you something? I don't know why, but three days ago I went through such a dark feeling, and I have no idea why. I am ok now, I swear, but I will tell you something about it.

I had a really bad mental breakdown, which turned into basically a panic attack. It was awful. I have NO IDEA what triggered it, which honestly worried me further. It got so dark that I started having those... bad thoughts. I was at swim practice, because I had to go, and my beautiful friend was there. (Beautiful inside and out) She was so happy, and inspiring. I was having those bad thoughts, trying not to cry at the dam pool. I was having those... bad thoughts when I saw her. I saw her beautiful, smiling face and knew that she, everyone around me, and everyone who cares about me, is worth living for. And the day after, when I told my dad about this, he told me that he had no idea what he and my mother would do without me, and how devastated they would be if I was gone.

If you are in a bad mental state, look to those who care about you, people fuel people, and the people who care are worth living for.

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