Part 1/2: What she doesn't know

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July 13th, 2017: Los Angeles, CA

He watched her. He watched every move that she made as all images of sexual fantasy played out through his head. It was funny how the second he saw her that he was thinking nothing other than kissing her sweet thighs, pulling on her hair, sucking her bottom lip. Yes, their sex had been the most of daring and experimented. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham had the heaviest of affairs.

This was testing him, testing Lindsey as every second passed by, men circling Stevie like ravenous vultures. Their was still this dominance in him, this need to protect, to save what felt like the most vulnerable female; but she liked  it and that was what he hated. Stevie Nicks loved male attention and being the center of all things spoken, using that sexy laugh that exploded from the back of her throat, tossing her blonde hair like in a painting of Aphrodite. Goddess of love or more so the Goddess over the control inside Lindsey's pants.

Events like these were tasteless and boring for Lindsey but it was part of his job, part of the scene, just part of being in the music business. Fleetwood Mac was about to embark on a headlining tour with several other classic bands, which was named nothing other than The Classic. Usually it wouldn't be much for Lindsey to take part in a tour like this but all his jealousy for what seemed like all of Stevie's ex boyfriends in one room was the problem. Ugh, Lindsey basically hated them - hated Don Henley for being so cold towards Stevie and causing her to abort their child; hated Joe Walsh for explaining how Stevie was nothing but a "road fvck" when she'd expressed undying love. Lindsey could not fathom it, not being able to understand how a man could do such things to hurt her, to hurt Stevie when all he'd ever done was love her properly. Hell, if Stevie had been pregnant with him then he would have done anything to make sure they'd made their tiny little family - of course she'd also always been more than a "fvck" as well, never getting over the fact that he'd loved her so passionately though she pushed him away. Stevie was his flame then and now but his stupidity of getting his current wife pregnant was the ultimate cock blocker, Lindsey losing every physical connection he ever had with his first love, and it was getting harder for him to go with out it.

The second Don Henley went straight for the small of Stevie's back was when Lindsey felt the need to intervene and come out of his tiny dark corner of the party. He pushed through famous and non famous people, eyes on his prize, thinking through everything that he was going to say to win her attention. Like hell Lindsey Buckingham would allow another man, especially Henley, touch his woman.

Lindsey brushed up against Stevie, not saying a word, showing Don that he meant business. He brushed Stevie's open palm with his fingertips then clasped her hand with his. A large smile spread across Lindsey's face when Stevie decided to lean in to him now instead of Don, Henley raising an eyebrow at Lindsey for the fact he was still immature and jealous over anyone that got close to Stevie.

That's right fvcker, move right along,  Lindsey thought to himself with a grin. Don was not having it though, not going to be pushed out of the way by Lindsey Buckingham when he had every right to be near Stevie as well. He took her other hand and now it was as if Stevie was the monkey in the middle, feeling her arms being pulled on by both men. This seriously couldn't be happening at her ripe age of 69? She took it upon herself to let both of their hands go, bringing them to her hips so she could continue to engage in conversations with out their little game. When Stevie placed her hands on both hips then she meant business.

"Come outside with me," whispered Lindsey to Stevie's ear, "...I want some air."

"Seriously Lindsey, I'm enjoying myself right now," turning her head to snap.

As usual his spirit was crushed, missing how she'd once so easily taken his words for a quickie, now taking them as nothing more than annoyance. Don thought it was funny, smiling to himself, giving Lindsey a look of "you don't have it anymore, do you?"

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