What he loves about you

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Cory:  He loves your smile. Cory would do anything to make sure he got to see that smile of yours each and every day. He wants to make sure you feel loved and appreciated, hence why he always attempts to make you smile.

Shawn:  He loves your hair. He loves the way he's able to run his fingers through it, feeling the softness of it and getting to play with it a lot. Shawn is always playing with your hair whenever you two cuddle, and always likes it when you show him new hairstyles.

Stuart:  He loves your patience. Stuart has never met any girl that has as much patience as you have. You always make sure that Stuart is comfortable with any new step you both take in your relationship. You put him first because that's the reasonable thing to do. Stuart appreciates how patient you are with him, and he loves you for it as well.

Eric:  He loves your laugh. Your laugh is his favorite sound in the world. Even when you're having a bad day, Eric is always there to make sure you don't feel bad anymore. He cheers you up by telling you bad jokes and does silly things to get a laugh out of you. Eric knows for sure that he would always be there for you, and he would make you happy when you needed it. 

Harley:  He loves your confidence. You're not afraid to be who you are; you wear it proudly all the time, alongside your sister Topanga. When Harley first met you, he noticed that you never changed who you were when you two started dating. He loves that about you because he knows that the real you is way better than any other version of you. He's always making sure you stay exactly who you are, even when people bring you down. 

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