Chapter 4

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As they went to the front of the store, Stone thought about buying a bottle of wine for Cassandra. It was the polite thing to do but he wasn't sure if she even drank it or what kind she'd like. She did drink beer, which was usually what she ordered when they went out. In fact, she and he had almost identical tastes in beer and had she'd introduced him to a local microbrew recently that they both enjoyed. So instead, he snagged a six pack of it from the cooler.

"We should buy Andra flowers," Max said as they made their way to the registers. "Girls like flowers, right? Mama does."

"Well, Cassandra sure wears enough on her dresses." Stone chuckled. "But I'd bet she'd like flowers from you. What should we get her?"

"Lots of colors," Max nodded. "Andra likes colors."

Stone laughed this time, his son sure had his co-worker begged. He let Max pick out the flowers, the most colorful assortment in the ready to go bouquets. He really didn't want to know how much they cost, but two sets of smiles, the one on Max's face when he picked it and the one he knew Cassandra would give Max made it worth it.


Cassandra looked over her dinner preparations and checked her phone for texts. She and Stone had exchanged a few, mostly related to directions and food preferences. She'd realized she hadn't asked if Max had any food allergies or was a picky eater before she'd left the store. Aside from the ranch dressing preference that she'd guessed, Stone has assured her that Max would be fine with her menu.

There was a text from Stone saying he and Max had just left and they'd be at her place in less than 15 minutes, depending on traffic.

The sauce and meatballs were simmering on very low where they would be fine. The bread was wrapped in foil to keep warm and the water was being kept at a low boil. She'd boil the pasta right at the last minute. The salad was already in bowls ready for dressing. The table was set. She'd completely forgotten to ask about beverages.

She sighed. She only had a bottle, maybe two of beer having completely forgotten to stock up. She did have milk for Max. And there was always water. She didn't want to bother Stone when he was driving, so it would have to do.

She looked around quickly to make sure the place looked presentable. She wasn't sure how child proof her place was, but she didn't really spend a lot of time there to get it too messy. She was sure it was fine.

It was when she checked her hair in the mirror a couple of minutes before she expected Stone that she finally gave herself a firm talking to. This was not a date. She and Stone were not like that, wouldn't ever be like that. She was having friends over for dinner and it was just like the last time Stone had been in her apartment. Only instead of having Baird and Ezekiel with him, he had his son. That was all.

The doorbell rang and she wiped her palms down her skirt and went to open it.

Max was holding a colorful bouquet of flowers, smiling his smile that made his little eyes crinkle up. How had she not seen the similarities to Stone? Because she hadn't even thought of the possibility. But now she knew why she'd been drawn to the little one.

"These are for you," Max said holding them out to her.

She smiled back at him, exactly how his father had pictured it. "That's so sweet! Thank you so much, Max." She looked up at Stone, "and you as well."

"They were all his idea," Stone smiled down at the boy. "But he was so proud of himself, I had to let him get you them. I brought that beer you like."

"Oh good!" Cassandra laughed. "I totally forgot about something to drink and I was afraid you and I were going to have to split a beer. Is milk okay for Max? I know kids drink whole but all I have is 1%."

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