Chapter 13

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It's been three days since Gerard's Grandmother's funeral.

So far everyday, he's been visiting her grave. He brings freshly picked flowers to her grave and stays with her for about five or ten minutes before returning home.

But today was different, I arranged for Gerard to come over my house at half seven, yet it was half eight. And he promised he'd come over.

Gerard normally comes back from the graveyard at seven so he should of been here quite a while ago. But he wasn't.

I grabbed for my phone and attempted to call Gerard, but it only went to answer phone.

"Gerard, where are you?" I muttered to myself.

I walked downstairs, "Mom, has Gerard's Mom told you if he couldn't come over or something?"

She reached for her phone and scanned through her messages.

"No honey, how come?"

"He's really late."

"Well he has had alot going on, sweetie. He'll probably be round in a moment."

I walked into the kitchen, I didn't want to over react but I was beginning to panic. Where was Gerard? He promised.

And then my anxiety kicked in, I started to worry, bad thought flooding my mind.

What if Gerard was gone? Would I be alone at school tomorrow? What if he's resting on the ground right now? Did he ever make it? Is he sleeping in the clouds? Is he with his Grandmother?

Would I kiss his lily white lips one last time?

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