♕Chapter 10|Something New♕

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This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new

|Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 9:00pm|

Finally arriving after a long ride joy ride that wasn't exactly joyful, LeBron shut the door to his home and headed straight for the mini bar in the living room. He couldn't shake the look in Willow's eyes from his mind. That look of resignation. As if she had stopped taking a special interest in him. One visit from his insecure and suffocating fiancé, and Willow's walls were back up. He couldn't even imagine what it had taken for her to keep those walls down after all she'd been through.

All she'd been through. LeBron's mind was going a mile a minute in too many different directions. The last thing she needed in her life after her family blowing up, being a victim of sexual assault, preparing to open a new café, and having a child, was being the third person in a love triangle with the NBA's best player and his fiancé.

"Fuck," he muttered, his frustrations reaching an all-time high.

His goal had always been to relieve Willow of any stress, not cause it. He couldn't fail at something else. His professional life offered him an all too familiar and recent feeling of failure. He didn't need it in his personal life as well.

"I didn't expect you to be here before midnight," Aaliyah whispered from behind him.

Speaking of failure...LeBron thought as he slowly turned away from the mini bar, swishing his whiskey around in its glass.

"Just leave me alone, Aaliyah. Haven't you done enough today?" he groaned in response before collapsing on the nearest sofa.

Aaliyah's heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces. She could handle anger, she could handle frustration, hell she'd handled drunk and high and even the plain old silent treatment this summer. But what she couldn't handle was this new LeBron who had become indifferent. As if he didn't care one way or another what happened to her...or them.

"LeBron, please, hear me out, baby," Aaliyah pleaded, rushing to his side on the couch.

"I don't want to hear you out anymore Aaliyah. That's all I do is listen to you try to run shit for your benefit. Your priorities are you, the Cavaliers, and then me. Maybe. And I just don't care anymore," LeBron confessed with a shrug before downing the contents of his glass and getting up to refill it.

As bad as she wanted to acquiesce, as bad as she wanted to keep her original plan to grovel her way back into Bron's good graces, her pride would not allow her to take this from Bron anymore. She'd had enough.

"Oh, whatever, LeBron. You've essentially drank and smoked your life away this summer except for when you've had to perform for all your newfound Hollywood fans, so don't sit here and act like I'm a priority for you anymore either," she fired back, "Look at you right now. Got this Willow girl thinking you're some big hero. I wonder what she'd think if she knew that every time you get upset you go to the bottle."

"Don't," LeBron hissed, straining to keep from going off on her, "Don't mention her. You don't know her. You have no idea what she thinks about me. Thanks to your surprise visit she might not be thinking anything of me anymore anyway."

"Ah, I see I hit a nerve with your precious Willow. Would she have stayed around for all the nights you stormed into this house with your buddies, making enough noise to wake her up? Or how about staying with you through the night on the bathroom floor as you threw up your stomach lining, hmm? Or maybe she would've enjoyed fighting for any ounce of attention from you all the time, and then when she finally got some, ended up listening to you berate her as if she's the reason you lost another championship," Aaliyah taunted, "These last few months have not only been hell for you Bron, and it's selfish and inconsiderate of you to think otherwise."

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