Part 1

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Segmentum Obscurus

Scarus Sector

Subsector Antimar

Planet : Loki

The Knights of Blood tactical unit led by Sergeant Serberus was tasked with eliminating a target located within the premises of an abandoned research facility within the ice cliffs of the frozen planet of Loki.  Upon Loki, fierce and battering storms were already causing troubles for their insertion, yet the Brother-Sergeant maintained his composure.  

His comrade, however, was not as calm, "This is ludicrous!" snarled Reutger, "The nerve of the Inquisition to have to send us in to mop up their own failures!"

Serberus leaned towards Reutger whilst still being focused on his bolter, "What do you suggest, brother?  We've lost contact with ground because of the snowstorms. I am sure everything will clear up eventually. It's just a routine kill target mission, something we have gone over many times before.  For a veteran, your apprehension does not allude to such status…" Serberus had always spoken in a calm demeanor, such ways impressing his superiors even in the heat of battle.  When he assumed the mantle of leadership this particular trait carried with him, bolstering the morale and trust from his fellow battle brothers even when beset upon by Orks during the Siege of Tulinae VI.

"The Inquisition does not send Astartes on "routine" missions such as these, Brother Serberus," Reutger replied with a disgruntled hiss.  He would rather conduct the sacred rites upon his bolter and chainsword rather than continue what would be an ultimately futile argument against Serberus.  Xander just stood there.  His head held down in solitude, completely unfazed by the discussion.  Xander was one to never have his composure hindered by such things.  It was a credit to his fellow Marines.

The metal hull was shrieking fiercely from the raging atmospheric intemperance caused by the planet's intemperate climate. The storm outside was not that rough on ground level compared to the one encountered during atmospheric insertion.

The Stormbird landed, causing a cloud of snow blowing towards the people waiting by the signal flares. The 4 men holding up the signal flares looked in awe as the three warriors strode out of the ship. They walked the earth like men, but it had been decades since they shared the company of mere mortals and common people of the Imperium. They were the Space Marines, the Adeptus Astartes, the Angels of Death.  They wore powerful ceramite and adamantium armor blessed by the Chapter itself.  Their weapons were shimmering combat blades, whirring chainswords, and holy bolters that spat fiery death to all who opposed them.  

The men waiting for them immediately fell to their knees in obeisance. One of them was noted grasping an Aquila pendant and shivering in the cold.

"Fear not," the strikingly deep voice of Reutger answered, "We are the Adeptus Astartes, and on behalf of the Inquisition we are here to assure your safety. Take us to your outpost," 

A small handful of figures approached a gigantic building that spanned across the visible horizon. The howling and bone chilling winds attacked the group as they crept towards an overhang that provided scant shelter for the winds. One of them pulled out a roll of paper and the rest gathered around. Three giant figured emerged from the fog of the snow to join them.

"How much further Guardsman?" Serberus inquired sharply.

"We should be arriving shortly, just up this snow bank then we should be at the facilities' entrance bridge, M'Lord."

"Good…bloody storm is nipping at us all.  Sooner we'll be in the better."

Through the terrible storms, the group of thirty or so continued their ascent. The stormtroopers were finding it hard to stand in certain places, places the Astartes had no issues with whatsoever. They would occasionally lose their footing, or attempt to shield their faces from the wind. The Space Marines seemed to have a manner of indifference to the storm. They trudged knee deep in the snow, the weight of their indestructible armor pulling them down. Frost was accumulating on their shined exteriors, but despite all this their unshielded faces still showed no sign of chill. The stormtroopers were almost in stark contrast. Veterans of many wars, and unshakeable in their resolve, yet the storm was proving to be quite a challenge.  After several minutes of climbing the loose snow they reached the large metal bridge that connected the research facility to the rest of the white vale that surrounded the world.  The only indication they had that they were going the right direction was the occasional glint of metal or flicker of industrial lights in the distance. Step after step they made their way towards the massive door that bared the symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The imposingly tall construct granted them refuge from the wind under its size while granting them minutes of respite.

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