Part 3

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Sipher and Peters seemed to be ignoring the mighty Giant in between the two, threats of violent promise escaping lips where it was neither the time nor the place. Neither party would back down, Sipher believed he was in the right for helping Peters, Peters thought Sipher was trying to kill him. His soft approach wasn't working. Serberus started to get frustrated at the men's bickering like juveniles in a Scholam. 

"Enough!" He bellowed, "If another word is spoken of the matter I will discipline the man as if he were an initiate in my company!  Should you not learn, I will slay you where you stand!" As he hoped the men quickly fell in line, but only out of fear of him. It was a temporary fix for an ongoing problem.

Silence preceded them as they marched down the empty, lifeless corridors. No one wished to speak up, at all.  His rebukes towards the troopers had that effect, an additional regret to the pile. Serberus had no cause to worry as they were still scanning the corridor with their lights. Serberus had to commend the Guardsmen for their endurance, while traveling with his weapons ready did little to tire him.  The Guardsmen had been hefting their equipment for several hours now and fatigue was setting in so dreadfully soon. Their fatigue would eventually catch up with them and the Space Marine knew this.  It would not be long before they became a liability rather than an asset. They scouted a small auxiliary room. It was a blessing from the Emperor Himself that there was some adequate lighting. There was nothing special with this one as it looked the same as the last few hundred, but it had no other corridors attached to it, the only way in was through the doorway. It didn't seem to serve any purpose, except the one they gave it, for respite. Serberus had the men enter before him, pulling the officer aside. Serberus would guard the room while he had the officer deal with the issue between Peters and Sipher. The tall armor clad man blocked the doorway almost completely standing guard with his bolter firmly in his hands.  It was the least he could do to help the beleaguered men as their assumed champion.

Reutger was silent, suppressing his urge to destroy the abomination at his side. The very sight of it caused his blood to boil, yet he was strangely intrigued about the daemon. He never had any time to study the monsters except when he was on the battlefield hacking them to pieces. This daemon was to his side marching with him, yet the very thought it was acting like a soldier upset his core. There was sparse communication from the two, the daemon would raise its arm to show a direction, and Reutger would place his weapon against its soft flesh. Occasionally it would look over its shoulder to glance at the Space Marine with a coy smile.

"Go on, ask me. I know you are curious." It spoke to him in a friendly tone, offending the giant with its arrogance. His only reply was an angered growl. "Don't be that way. Go ahead, I 'know' you are thinking it, just say it," Reutger clenched his eyes when he realized the daemon had been probing his mind, and like a fool his did not prepare himself for it. He continued to ignore the warp manifestation until he heard its warm feminine voice in his mind, teasing him in its childish tone.

'Pleeeaasee?' It begged.

"Just what are you?" His words just barely passing his teeth.

"Me?  I am but a humble servant of His Graciousness, the Dark Prince of Pleasure, Slaaneshhhhhhh…" It felt the muzzle of Reutger's bolter jab into its shoulder when it spoke the dark ones name.

Reutger's mind already stirred with trouble upon the very name alone, "Not what I asked...." His annoyance made his words come out quiet and graveled. "Why do you exist?"

"Because humanity wants me to, do you not realize that?" it smiled as it heard the grinding growl in his throat. The daemon was enjoying the ease that it could invoke emotion from the Space Marine.

"Why would humanity want an abomination like you to exist?!?" 

Its eyes narrowed as the Astartes insulted its beauty. The daemon turned towards him raising its height to meet him in the eye, forcing him to stare into its flawless face and deep black eyes.

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