Part 2

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Still separated from his sergeant, Reutger sat on top of a large container as the Guardsmen bickered amongst themselves on their next course of action. The Space Marine was rubbing his temples for some form of therapy as the ants argued in their panic. Fed up with the meaningless exchange the Super warrior stood up and started to walk off in a direction they hadn't yet gone. He didn't care if the Guardsmen followed him, nor did he bother to check to see if they were. They eventually caught on that he left. Reutger followed an almost strange sound, the sound of machinery. It grew louder as he moved through corridors that were clearly never made with him in mind. He entered a room full of hissing steam pipes and large pistons flying back and forth. The floor was another metal mesh grating that showed the bowels of the industrial room. The floor had an orange hue to it from the fires of furnaces below, sending the putrid smell of sulfur upwards. The noise was overwhelming. The stormtroopers were having trouble communicating by voice and instead resorted to hand signals.  The lights were dancing all around them as the machines moved and pushed, they were almost disorienting compared to the static and quiet of the facility they had been exposed to. For one trooper the sudden change was starting to get to him, he rested against a pipe removing his helmet and mask to breathe unrestricted. As soon as his hand touched the pipe a gray and ashy claw grabbed it and began pulling him. He fought back screaming, but was unheard. Unable to reach his weapon in time he pulled his knife and started stabbing at the hand. He was struck with a fleshy appendage and the knife dropped from his hand. Another arm grabbed him and pulled him into a dark crevice.

Oblivious, the rest of the group carried on, creeping down the room. Further down a trooper spotted a helmet lying on the ground ahead of them. He moved to examine the armor, while a second trooper covered him. His fingers barely touched the metal before a large mouth fell upon his hand. Before he could scream, a pig like monster dove on him ripping his hand off completely with fleshy blades, the monster itself squealing insanely as it tried to attack the man again. The troopers readied their weapons, lasbolts lighting up he hallway it as it ran across the room, squealing again in pain as some had hit the abomination. However it was too fast to get a bearing on and disappeared in the shadows. Two troopers followed it but didn't dare pursuing it deeper lest further harm be set upon them. They tried to calm the wounded man, but he grew more and more belligerent, thrashing out of their grip. His jerking became violent as his screaming became more blood-curdling, howling foul mutterings that threatened to penetrate the ears of those around in even worse ways.  Blood bubbled from his nose and mouth. Horrified, the men backed off from him and watched as his jaw dislocated itself and his shoulder shot out of his armor with bulky muscle and bleeding tissue. He convulsed and pulsated unnaturally, blood spewing from his orifices. Reutger, however, was unfazed.  Walking quietly to the trooper, he silenced him with a bolter round that blew his chest open.  The screaming stopped.

A louder clang than normal sounded from behind them. As they turned the pig monster pounced on another trooper, biting deeply into his flesh. They fired furiously at the creature, but a stray shot nicked one of the pipes releasing noxious fumes. The room slowly filled up with the fumes, but the troopers kept firing at the swine. One trooper was lifted into the rafters and blood rained on the rest. More and more monsters started showing themselves and the firing started to get completely scarce and randomly aimed. Reutger's internal targeting device was going haywire.  The scanner was reading enemies in multiple directions making it extremely difficult for the Astartes to pick out friend from foe.  Bedlam ensued in the hallway and the Space Marine had enough. He tossed his helmet aside, and ran into the onslaught.

Bolter and lasfire started pouring in all direction as they were getting separated in the scuffle. More humanoid abominations began to show up and to try and overwhelm them, the beasts squealing and shrieking in horrible tongues that tried to make weaker men fall to their knees.  The beleaguered Imperials quickly resorted to melee in an attempt to finally whittle down the numbers. Reutger picked up one monster and began slamming its body against a pipe until it ruptured spilling and covering the pipe with the intestines and fleshy pulp. He was finally alone. There wasn't anyone around him as the steam began to fade. He called out for the stormtroopers in desperation, he saw their corpses ripped to shreds around him, beaten and ripped apart by knives and fists. There was no sign of monsters anywhere the stormtroopers killed each other. He looked at what was left of the creature pinned to the wall, eyes widened with horrid realization. It was a stormtrooper. 

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