Chapter-15 Sorry i lied

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Katherine POV

I'm sitting in the living room about to kill my brother in-law he keeps hurting my sister and it's pissing me off lil Jimmy just came in and I'm feeling guilty of not telling him that I cut the other day I tell him everything oh and btw he's only in 10th grade I mean he's 17 but like he failed alot of times I was walking up to him and so was my sister Devin witch is a different one this is Tyler's little cousin and by little I mean 2 years and Tyler was there Tyler is 17 so Devin is 15 we are all in the same grade and I have one class with him but he's never noticed me because like not the person he should be seen around but oh well Grace diced to stay with one of her family members I can't remember who she said but she's not here so it's me ty Jimmy and Devin well plus my sister and Alex but I'm not hanging around them cause like BORING I'm actually myself around the boys I don't know why but I am I like hanging with guys more then girls cause the girls at are school is preppy and stuck up plus they only look for one thing and that's dick I mean damn close your legs I swear I can smell their stank ass pussy from a mile away Tyler asked me to hand him this jar witch was full of weed did a mention that they're going to the beach and bringing 33 grams of weed with them so they decided to role them not instead of the morning when they leave it took a while Chey fell asleep and Alex left by the time they got done we all walked down to the camper and they lit one witch I mean I will say I hit twice but that was it a hour later Jacob came and they lit another one I hit that one 4 times and got pretty high I end up telling a guy that I just met about my personal life I was fucked up I talk alot when I am to
I was starting at Jimmy's head when I blurted out "you should let me straiten your hair"
All that came from his mouth was, no no no no no no he did that for like 30 mins

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