Fact 3

13 1 0

Okay, I am really attacking parents XD.. but..

ITS A FACT THAT PARENTS ARE THEIF!! :*( And they always have a good comeback

Visitor: Here is a money for your daughter.

Me: Yay

Parents: Thank you, she will be happy.

Visitor: *Gives me money then leave.*

Me: yay!

Mom: let me keep the money for you

Me: No, I'll just keep it myself.

Mom: you'll just use it to buy junks, let me keep it for you then ill give it to you when you need it!

Dad: yes, give it!

Me: *growl* but gives it

Dinner time

Mom: The food is delicious right!

Me: yeah...


Me: Mom I need to buy something, can I have my money.

Mom: I used your money for that delicious dinner you ate last night.

Me: MOM! ! Give me my money.

Mom: Vomit the food, your money is inside your stomach. Even if I didn't use it for dinner, what about the money I spend on you since you were a kid! Uh! Can you pay for the milk you sucked! Uh!

Me: -_-

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