Chapter 1

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Looking at myself in the mirror, fixing my bow tie, looking out the window, remembering everything we had, and all the things we could've had..Checking my watch, I picked up the present box from my dining room table and headed out towards church.

Flashback - 7 years ago

Ah high school, what can I say..what a hell hole. Really, the only thing that kept me sane was her, the girl who sat in front of me in history class, the cheerleader who everyone seemed to adore..Kendall Jenner.

"Okay class, we have a group project coming up, please pick a piece of paper from this jar to determine who your partner will be. Read the name out loud."

I looked out the window with my hands in my pocket and my hood on my head, not caring about what was happening in class until


I turned towards the voice and there stood Kendall with a slip of paper unfolded in her hands. I glanced at her and continued to stare outside the window.

"Hey, I guess we're partners now huh?" She said as she moved my bag off the seat next to me and sat down.

I continued to look outside the window not giving any response to what she had said.

"What are you looking at?"

"The rest of the world, outside of this jail"

"You know...This isn't a gated place, you can literally walk out if you really wanted to, you'd just get in trouble if you were caught."

I smirked at her comment, knowing she was right, but how come I never ditched school if I hated it so much?

"Hey Y/N as much as I enjoy watching you stare outside a window, we've still got a history project to complete, I need to keep my straight A streak going."

I sat up in my chair and pulled out my computer to start the research, the rest of the class continued that way, me doing work..which is actually something I don't do often, but I don't want to be blamed for dragging a straight A student down with me.

The next month contained the same routine, Kendall and I going to each others houses to finish the history project, we ended up getting and A+, not surprised since Kendall was my partner.

I was walking down the hallway early on Friday morning with my headphones on full blast, I have my hood from my hoodie on my head, not wanting to talk to anyone..As I was about to enter homeroom I got pulled aside. I turned my head and see Kendall with a beaming smile on her face.

"Heyy Y/N"

I grunted and step foot into home room, I didn't want to have anything to do with miss perfect after the project, I don't need to anymore.

"Y/N!" She pulled me out of the classroom again and I ripped my hood off of my head in frustration


"You don't have to be so ru-" She stopped mid sentence

I waved my hand in front of her face "What? Hello? Earth to Kendall"

She jolted at her name "Oh! Sorry it's just that I've never seen you without your hoodie before.."

She reached out her hand and ruffled my long hair "You don't look half bad."

I moved her hand off my head and sighed "Thanks..Now do you need something? Home room is about to begin."

"Right, I just wanted to ask if you want to go grab dinner with me sometime as a celebration for our history project we did together."

I stood there, not knowing what to say, I don't want to go, I don't go out of my house that much actually, I'd much prefer staying at home and just watch youtube all day."

She took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it "Here" she said as she handed the piece of paper over to me "This is my number in case you decide to go." With that she walked away to her classroom with her friends.

What? She can't even wait for an answer? I sighed as I walked into homeroom, tugging on on hood so it covers my face while stuffing the piece of paper she gave me in my pocket.

That afternoon, was when it all first started...

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