Why is He Lying

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She lay on the bathroom floor, motionless as she stared up at the ceiling. 

She could not bring herself to make her body move. Her entire being felt numb and weak. 

Brie couldn't believe that had just happen to her. She felt degraded and stupid.

Brie soon felt the strength to get up, Pain shot all throughout her body. I wanted this all to be just a bad dream. I wanted to wake up. I wanted everything to be okay. She thought to herself.

Brie had no clue on what she should do.

Brie-Should I call the cops? Should I call Nikki said to herself

Oh my god Nikki! What was she going to think of me? How would she even want to be near me when she finds out that I had let her boyfriend take advantage of me. She thought to herself

Brie decided on not telling anyone. She was too embarrassed by the fact that she let her sister boyfriend take advantage of her. She was ashamed of the fact that she had been raped. The thought of this made the tears fall down even harder. All of a sudden realization hit her. He had not used a condom.

Brie-What if I caught a disease? What was I going to do if I ended up pregnant?

That made the tears fall even harder. Having a baby by a guy she despised, the guy that raped her. Brie grabbed her car keys and headed to Walgreen's.

Brie-I had to get that pill. I can't get pregnant I can't she said to herself in the car

Brie woke up the next morning feeling drained and lethargic. She went to sit up and the pain still terrorized her body violently. Yesterday's events replayed in her mind. Her inviting John in the house, him telling her he loved her, John forcibly kissing me, him slapping me and him forcing himself inside of me. Brie lay back in her bed and slowly cried herself back to sleep.

When she awoke it was night time. Her phone vibrating was what had awakened her. She looked at it. Five missed calls all from Nikki and four text messages.

Nikki: Brie Can u pick me up

Nikki: Brie Answer the phone

Nikki: Brie Where R U...

Nikki: Brie don't bother picking me up I'm in a taxi and on my way home.

Oh no, I couldn't see let her see me she would definitely know that something was up. I would probably give in to her and just tell Nikki everything. Would she believe me? John is her boyfriend, but I was her sister and she would believe me right? Brie thought to herself.

Brie heard the front door open and close.

Nikki- Brie, I'm home

Brie quickly shut her bedroom door and locked it

"Brie! I know you're up there. Why are you ignoring me?" she said as she started to knock on Brie's door.

"Brie open the door!"

"Whatever if you're going to act like a child I'll leave you alone" The knocking stopped

"Brianna open the god damn door." Nikki yelled and then silence filled the air.

Nikki-Brie please open the door

I wanted to open the door for her. Iwanted for her to tell me that everything would okay. I just couldn't. I couldn't allow my sister to see me like this. I couldn't let Nikki know what had happened to me. She would hate me.

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